Java questions

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM1378917

Question: The linked list that follows represents a stack. After we push the player (5, Joe, Sonic) onto the stack, what are first and last items on the stack?
(7,Ajay, NFL) -> (3, Sarah, Mario) -> (9, Jin, Golf) -> null

(7, Ajay, NFL0 and (9, Jin, Golf)
(5, Joe, Sonic) and (9, Jin, Golf)
(3, Sarah, Mario) and (5, Joe, Sonic)
(7, Ajay, NFL) and (5, Joe, Sonic)


- The diagram that follows shows the current state of the stack represented by an array of 50 integers. After pushing 36, 88, and 62 onto the stack and popping three times from the stack, what will be the value of the top and what element will be stored at index top?
Index Item Stored
47(top) 28
46 98
... ...
3 17
2 12
1 20
0 45

Top is 49 and the element at index top is 62
Top is 47 and element at index top is 28
Top is 46 and element at index top is 98
Top is 50 and element at index top is 17


- The diagram that follows shows the current state of a queque represented by circular array of 8 integers. After enqueuing 36, 100, 83, 77, and 62, what are the values of front and back, and what elements are stored at indexes front and back.
Index Item stored
6(back) 28
5 97
4 25
3 54
2(front) 12


For these questions, consider the following classes from this chapter Player, PlayerNode, and PlayerLinkedList.

- What does this method of PlayerLinkedList class do?
Public void fool( Player p, Player q )
insert ( p );
insert ( q );


- What does this method of PlayerLinkedList class do?
Public int f004( )
PlayerNode nd =head;
int i = 0;
while ( nd != null )
if (nd.getPlayer( ).getGame( ).equals( "Sonic") )
nd = nd.getNext( );
return i;


- What does this method of PlayerLinkedList class do?
Public Boolean f008( )
if ( number0fitems <= 2 )
return false;
head.setNext( ( head.getNext ( ) ).getNext ( ) );
return true;


Reference no: EM1378917

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