Java program that simulates the battle between a cat & mice

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13940726

Write a Java program that simulates the battle between a cat and mice.

Cat Kills 1 mouse a day, and does not reproduce.

Mice have a chance to reproduce as long as required conditions are met. Reproduction only happens when mice are over 1, and 1 of each sex is present.

Simulation continues as long as mice population is greater than 1 and less than 10.

Simulation should generate following output depending on if the population of mice is greater than or equal to 10, or no mice left:

Mice RULE, Cats Drool Mice Population: ## (integer value)


Cats RULE, Mice Drool Cat Weight (in mice): ##.## (double value, 2 decimal places)

Sample session (requires no user input):

Mice RULE, Cats Drool Mice Population: 11
Press any key to continue . . .

Cats RULE, Mice Drool Cat Weight (in mice): 2.03
Press any key to continue . . .

Mice RULE, Cats Drool Mice Population: 10
Press any key to continue . . .

Cats RULE, Mice Drool Cat Weight (in mice): 2.05
Press any key to continue . . .

The program should consist of following files:

1. (driver program)

Driver main method should be as shown below. Add appropriate code in it to generate simulation output.

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class LastFirstWeek5CatMouse
public static void main(String [] args)

cat sylvester = new cat();
ArrayList<mouse> mice = new ArrayList<mouse>();
mice.add(new mouse());
mice.add(new mouse());
mice.add(new mouse());

while (mice.size() >1 && mice.size() < 10)
for (mouse m:mice)


Instance variables: name (string), age (integer), weight (double), isMale (Boolean)

class mammal constructor : (default constructor) Set age to 1.

grow method : Increases age of mammal by 1.

Accessor / mutator methods for each instance variable above, set or return values as appropriate for data type specified.

3. (extends Mammal class)

eat method: Receives mouse arraylist as argument.

Randomly removes a mouse from the population 70% of the time and increases cat weight by the chosen mouse weight. Only increase weight if mouse is removed/eaten.

grow method: Set the cat's age to the current age plus 1. (Use accessor/mutator methods.)

4. (extends Mammal class)

class mouse constructor: (default constructor) Randomly choose sex and assign to isMale as appropriate. Set age to 1. Set weight to 1.

grow method: Increase age of mouse by 1 and weight of mouse by 1% of current weight.

mate method: (static method, receive mouse arraylist as argument) Randomly choose 2 mouse objects from arraylist and if the required conditions are met, proceed with mating. Successful mating conditions are: 1 male and 1 female mouse, both mice older than 1 day. If successful mating happens, randomly create between 0-4 mice and append to arraylist received as argument.

Reference no: EM13940726

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