Java application that calculates the body mass index

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13541663

Write a Java application that calculates and displays the body mass index (BMI) for N people. N should be declared as a constant and should be equal to the largest digit of your student id number (e.g. if your student id is s0705544 then N should be equal to 7). Assume N=4, if the largest digit of your student id number is less than 4. The BMI is a measure of relative weight based on a person's mass and height.

The application should ask the user to enter the name, height and mass of his or her body. Then program will calculate this person's BMI, which is defined as below,


where mass is the body's weight to the nearest kilogram, and height is the body's height in the unit of centimetre. Both of mass and height are assumed to be integer numbers here.

The application should display the body mass index (to two digits of decimals) for each person and the summary of all people that we enter. This also includes the maximum value of BMI and a simple bar chart to show how many people's BMI less than 18.5 (a threshold value that indicates whether this person is in underweight). These requirements are can shown in figures 1 and 2 as below (see next page). Your program should display similar screen images when it runs. The application should be user-friendly by displaying appropriate welcome, exit and error message. The application can use the following classes and methods (but you can use different classes or methods if your program works OK; the solution program is not unique).

Reference no: EM13541663

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