Jack and his male colleagues make indelicate jokes

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM131064429

1. Which of the following is an example of quid pro quo harassment?

a. Jack and his male colleagues make indelicate jokes whenever Rose passes by their workstations.

b. Caroline's manager fires her as she repeatedly refuses his invitations for dinner dates.

c. An organization gives a bonus to all its male employees on making profits.

d. Jose, who belongs to a minority group, is rejected for a job despite meeting all the requirements and qualifications necessary for the job.

2. Which of the following is true of the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993?

a. It requires employers with more than fifty employees to provide 15 weeks of paid leave if an employee has a serious illness.

b. It was passed in response to growing concerns about the employment opportunities denied to people with various disabilities.

c. It prohibits discrimination against employees who are 40 years of age or older.

d. It requires organizations to provide an employee with the same or comparable job on the employee's return within 12 weeks after a serious illness.

3. Which of the following is true of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission?

a. It takes a minimum of 180 days to investigate a complaint.

b. It gives the lowest priority to cases that have the potential for classwide effects.

c. It investigates and resolves complaints about alleged discrimination in organizations.

d. It establishes the minimum hourly wage for different types of jobs.

4. Which of the following is a feature of the Fair Labor Standards Act passed in 1938?

a. It specifies that an employer is prohibited to schedule more than 10 hours in a single day without paying overtime even if the weekly total does not exceed 40 hours.

b. It does not include child labor provisions.

c. It makes major provisions for daily work time.

d. It specifies that full-time employees must be paid at a rate of one and a half times their normal hourly rate for each hour of work beyond 40 hours in a week.

5. The notion that employers who did not provide health-care coverage would be required to pay a fine was part of the _____.

a. Wagner Act

b. Affordable Care for America Act

c. Occupational Safety and Health Act

d. Employee Retirement Income Security Act

6. The employees of an automobile manufacturing company in the United States form a labor union to collectively address various issues faced by the employees. They engage in collective bargaining with the company management for better wages and working conditions for the employees. Which of the following legislations governs the relationship between the labor union and the management?

a. The Taft-Hartley Act

b. The Wagner Act

c. The PATRIOT Act

d. The Occupational Safety and Health Act

7. The radiology department of a hospital frequently monitors the radiation level of its employees and patients to ensure their well-being. These measures taken by the hospital are mandated by the _____.

a. Wagner Act

b. Landrum-Griffin Act

c. Occupational Safety and Health Act

d. Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act

8.  ABC Inc., a software company with 3,000 employees, was acquired by another company. The new management lays off 1,000 employees without prior notification. In this case, the company has violated the _____.

a. Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act

b. Occupational and Health Safety Act

c. Employee Retirement Income Security Act

d. Labor Management Relations Act

9. Which of the following is the first step in the process of evaluating legal compliance in an organization?

a. Managers should arrange for external legal audits of their human resource management procedures.

b. Managers should ensure the clear understanding of laws that govern every aspect of human resource management.

c. Managers should instruct their legal and human resource staff to answer questions and review procedures periodically.

d. Managers should consult the firm's legal advisors about the legality of a particular action.

10. An organization engages in periodic external legal audits of its human resource management procedures to evaluate legal compliance levels. It consults with an external law firm to reexamine its human resource management systems and practices to ensure that they abide by all appropriate laws and regulations. The organization is engaged in _____.

a. implementing a new regulation

b. evaluating global issues

c. enforcing a regulation

d. evaluating legal compliance

11. Failure to follow the law because of a well-intentioned misunderstanding does not prove costly to an organization.

a. T

b. F

12. Illegal discrimination results from behaviors or actions by an organization or managers within an organization that cause members of a protected class to be unfairly differentiated from others.
a. T

b. F

13. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 applies to all organizations with 15 or more employees working 20 or more weeks a year and that are involved in interstate commerce.

a. T

b. F

14. If a prima facie case of discrimination is established against a company over a selection decision, the company becomes liable under all circumstances.

a. T

b. F

15. If the percentage of a certain minority group in an employer's workforce is considerably less than the percentage in the external labor supply, then that minority group is characterized as being underutilized.

a. T

b. F

16. Reverse discrimination could appear to be a practice that has a disparate impact on members of nonprotected classes.

a. T

b. F

17. The use of derogatory terms with a sexual connotation to describe coworkers in the workplace is an example of quid pro quo harassment.

a. T

b. F

18. The enforcement of the Age Discrimination and Employment Act (ADEA) is the responsibility of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

a. T

b. F

19. The rationale for the Fair labor Standards Act (FLSA) was to ensure that everyone who works would receive an income sufficient to meet basic needs.

a. T

b. F

20. The Department of Labor was given responsibility for conducting research to determine the criteria for specific operations or occupations and for training employers to comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA).

a. T

b. F

21. The Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 applies primarily to government employees and federal contractors.

a. T

b. F

22. Urinalysis, a method used to test for drug use at workplace, is extremely invasive and has been known to result in a fair number of positive tests.

a. T

b. F

23. The Privacy Act of 1974 applies to private sector employees rather than federal employees.

a. T

b. F

24. The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) mandates that employers should keep genetic information about their employees, including information about family history of disease, confidential.

a. T

b. F

25. It is expensive to involve in contracting with an outside law firm to review an organization's human resource management (HRM) systems and practices.
a. T

b. F

Reference no: EM131064429

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