ITECH7415 Masters Project Assignment - Sprint Retrospective

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Reference no: EM132553266

ITECH7415 Masters Project Assignment - Federation University, Australia

Assessment Task - Sprint Retrospective

At the end of each sprint, every student is expected to submit a retrospective in his/her individual Mahara ePortfolio page created for the project. The retrospective should be a video recording (no more than 5 minutes) embedded as a media file in the portfolio. Students are welcome to attach documents to support retrospectives.

Reflections are expected to cover both team and individual components of the project:

(a) Team Component

This is a summary of what happened in a Sprint. For example:

The date the Sprint started and the date it ended

Who was in the team (including how many hours each person worked?)

Which user stories were in the Sprint Backlog (including their estimate and whether they were completed by the end of the Sprint?

Evidence of work done in the Sprint.

(b) Individual Component

Individual component should include personal tasks and learning during the Sprint and should provide answers to the following questions:

What did I accomplish in the past sprint?

How did I apply stream specific knowledge to my project?

What did I learn from in the past sprint?

What could have gone better in the sprint?

Reference no: EM132553266

Questions Cloud

Global supply chain risk issue : Complete a write-up of a Global Supply Chain Risk issue at your company or a company of your choice, and then submit it to the dropbox.
SET11109 Enterprise Computing Assignment : SET11109/11509 Enterprise Computing Assignment Help and Solution - Edinburgh Napier University, UK - Assessment Writing Service
Evaluate national disaster recovery effectiveness : Evaluate the National disaster recovery effectiveness based on case studies from the text or recent news stories
Cybersecurity program : Develop cybersecurity program aligned with business needs, regulations, and compliance standards to enhance an organization's security posture.
ITECH7415 Masters Project Assignment - Sprint Retrospective : ITECH7415 Masters Project Assignment Help and Solution - Federation University, Australia - Assessment Writing Service - Task - Sprint Retrospective
Future challenge involved in world of big data : Identify specific future challenge involved in the world of Big Data using the 5 V's (Volume, Variety, Velocity, Value, Veracity) as your underlying framework
Description of function of antivirus software-firewalls : Reasons why IDS would benefit the company and the larger cyber domain. A description of the function of antivirus software, firewalls, and IDS.
Define what business process : Define what a business process is and note the tools of documentation within business processes and why they are important to understand.
What are the steps in resolving conflict : Question Discuss confrontation and negotiation from an organizational perspective. What are the steps in resolving conflict?


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