ITECH2305 Analysing the Modern Business Assignment

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Reference no: EM132608445 , Length: word count:1500

ITECH2305 Analysing the Modern Business Assignment -  Federation University Australia

Assignment - Strategic Analysis

Overview - For this assignment, you will select one strategic plan for a company and complete a report including several analysis tasks to demonstrate your understanding of how to perform strategic analysis.

This is an individual assignment. The work must be your own work.

Learning Outcomes Assessed - The following course learning outcomes are assessed by completing this assessment:

Discuss a variety of contemporary tools and techniques used for business analysis and when these are appropriate to use.

Identify and explain the core concepts of business analysis.

Investigate and compare various business analysis methods, tools and techniques.

Identify and apply appropriate means of communication for disseminating information between stakeholders.

Determine a variety of possible solutions and make recommendations to address business needs.

Analyse and critique the implementation of a business solution.

Assessment Details / Tasks -

You are required to select and complete several analysis tasks using the actual strategic plan for a real company. You may choose the current strategic plan for any company you wish (except those discussed in the lectures / labs), however a shortlist of possible plans has been provided at this end of this specification to assist you if this is easier for you. Please note that inclusion in this shortlist is no guarantee of the quality of a strategic plan; no review of these plans has occurred other than to identify that it is a current strategic plan for the company in question.

Read your selected strategic plan, and then complete the following tasks in a written report:

1. Describe the current state of the selected organisation.

2. Conduct a SWOT analysis for the organisation at the current point in time.

3. Complete a Business Model Canvas, using the template provided in Week 2, based on the current state of the organisation.

4. Describe the proposed future state for the selected organisation, including any key performance indicators or metrics that will indicate when success has been achieved, if available.

5. Document the key stakeholders involved in the transition from the current state to the proposed future state, and their role or level of involvement in the transition.

6. Complete a Risk Register for the transition from the current state to the future state for the organisation. You should try to identify risks from re viewing the strategic plan, from your own critical analysis of the situation and from any relevant research you may conduct to gain additional context or information.

You may use information from external sources, such as the news media or other company reports, to help you gain further information to support your analysis, however you MUST reference all such information clearly in your report.

Attachment:- Analysing the Modern Business Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM132608445

Questions Cloud

How much will you have in the account after 8 years : How much will you have in the account after 8 years, if you earn interest at a rate of 8% per year?
Compute the partial productivity measures for labor : Looking for cost savings in administrative,Compute the partial productivity measures for labor for the four locations. (Round your answers to 3 decimal places.)
What is your future worth on 56th birthday : Your father gives $25,000 as a 21st birthday present. you decide to make regular deposits of 1,000 on your 22nd birthday, adding $200
Describe the chronicle of life cycle change : Read the article, "Organizational life cycles and shifting criteria of effectiveness: Some preliminary evidence".(Access this article by going to the Library).
ITECH2305 Analysing the Modern Business Assignment : ITECH2305 Analysing the Modern Business Assignment Help and Solution - Federation University Australia - Assessment Writing Service
Worsening series of business cycles : According to Marx, capitalism goes through a worsening series of business cycles that ultimately destroy it. what are they, explain?
Compute the activity variance for the restaurant for july : Compute the activity variance for the restaurant for July. The restaurant at the Hotel Galaxy offers two choices for breakfast: an all-you-can-eat buffet
Topic-justice-based thinking : Read an opinion piece in your local newspaper, or a well-known newspaper you regularly read (like the Wall Street Journal or the Washington Post).
Find what was the number of actual hours worked : Find what was the number of actual hours worked and what was the labor price variance? (Indicate the effect of each variance by selecting "F" for favorable


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