ITECH2300 Mobile Network and Wireless Communication

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM132615654

ITECH2300 Mobile Network and Wireless Communication - Federation University

Part -A

Q1. Given the bit pattern 10111010, encode this data using ASK, FSK and PSK (i.e., draw the waveform that represents each ‘1' or ‘0' in a neat diagram). In the diagram, label the amplitude values used in ASK, frequency values used in BFSK (binary FSK because there are only 0 and 1 in the data), as well as the phase values used in BPSK (binary PSK).

Encode the same data using QPSK.

(Hint: see slides on ASK, FSK & PSK in Lecture 5).

Q2. A sinusoidal wave is presented by an equation: Asin(2Πft+Φ). For the following two sinusoidal waves find the value of A, f and Φ. (Hint: Consult lab/tutorial in week 3).


Q3. The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) is one of the biggest projects planned in Australia that has international importance. Read articles on SKA and write a report of minimum 700 words. Your report should include the wireless communication features of it, such a type, size and height of the antennas, communication frequency bands, and any other technical specifications relevant to wireless communication technology. You should may also include diagrams.

Your report should have references from journal/magazine articles and web resources.

Part B - Studying home office wireless routers

Q4. Some company staff members will require after hour access to the systems at the office, and to the Internet for research projects. The intention is for the company to purchase broadband capability for these staff members' home offices. Your task is to perform a comparative assessment of ADSL2+ equipment versus Cable modem equipment to determine which offers a better capability. The intention of this exercise to understand the technical specification of two different types of router and know their comparative advantages and limitations.

Select one ADSL2+ Modem-Router and one Cable Modem (Router) products in the market and perform the following comparisons, in tabular form, item by item:

Line Interface:

Modulation type
Modulation bit rates achievable (including distance limitations) What error control strategy is used if any?
Is the modulation sensitive to crosstalk?
What cable and connector types are required for the line interface?

Host Interface:

What host side interfaces are provided? (Hint: Ethernet, Firewire, USB2) What bit rates do these support?
How many ports are provided?

Is an embedded switching capability provided? Is DHCP provided?

Modulation Comparison and Recommendation:

After you have completed, in tabular form, the comparison of basic parameters and specifications, provide a comparison of at least 300 words between the modulation types used in these products, explaining their respective strengths and weaknesses for this application.

Based on the information you have gathered in the table, which type of wireless router would you recommended. Justify your answer within 200 words.

Reference no: EM132615654

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