Reference no: EM132518896
ITECH2002 - Systems Modelling Assignment - Federation University, Australia
Assessment Title - Dynamic Modelling, Screen Design and Test Plan
INTRODUCTION - In this assignment you will model the behaviour of systems or subsystems for two of your most complex use cases using two UML diagrams (activity diagram and system sequence diagram) and write the extended use case description. You must also submit test plans and screens developed using InVision.
Section 3 describes the motivation behind the design of this assignment. Section 4 provides information on how and what to submit (note that Moodle has been setup so there is only one submission from each group). Section 5 explains the tasks for individual and group work. You will find the criteria for marking your submission in Section 6.
MOTIVATION - The purpose of the assignment is to ensure that you know:
1. How to write extended use case texts.
2. How to model the dynamic aspect of a system using UML (activity diagram and system sequence diagram).
3. How to develop screen prototypes to assist analysis.
4. How to develop quality test plans. The assignment addresses the following learning outcomes:
K1. Explain how models are used to assist in analysing and modifying existing business systems;
K2. Define various roles involved in the processes of system analysis;
K3. Describe techniques used to gather required information for system analysis;
K4. Explain the various stages of the system development life cycle;
S1. Identify appropriate models for given scenarios;
S2. Develop various models using a professional CASE tool;
S4. Perform Object Oriented Analysis and Design to construct various object models used to communicate the scope and requirements of the project.
A1. Write integrated reports, using appropriate models, providing detailed analysis of given textual scenarios.
ASSESSMENT DETAIL - This assignment has group work and individual work components. Please note although we require only one report for the group and individual components, we will be able to track your contribution to the group work component. The following sections describe the tasks for the individual and group work.
Task 1 - Individual work
With reference to the model you built as a group, document the following:
1. The identification of the system or subsystem you were working on.
2. Find two of the most complex use cases you have submitted in assignment one. The use cases must not be from the written case study in assignment 1. Also make sure at least one of the use case is used by internal users (not customers), because we want to avoid students taking screenshots of existing application s and submit ting the screens. For each use case:
a. Describe the process for each use case in plain English as in Tutorial Six.
b. Then, develop an extended use case from the description.
c. Finally, develop the activity diagram and system sequence diagram.
2.1 Each activity diagram must have at least one decision making, parallelism or loop. If the diagram has no such features your extended use case might be incomplete: you must revisit your use case to ensure that it is complete.
2.2 Each system sequence diagram must have at least one of the following: a loop, optional or alternate frames. If the diagram has no such a frame you must revisit your use case to ensure that it is complete.
3. Develop the screen prototype and test plan for one of the use cases selected in step 2 above.
The test plan must be for the same use case as for the screen design.
Task 2 - Group work
Consolidate all three subsystem s into one report: the plain English description of the use cases, extended use case texts, activity diagrams, system sequence diagrams, the filename s of the Invision screen s and test plans. The report must have a title, all three subsystems and the student responsible for the subsystem.
Attachment:- Systems Modelling Assignment File.rar