Reference no: EM132502182
ITECH2002 Systems Modelling - Federation University
You have been hired as a systems analyst to work with two other analysts. Your task is to document the functional requirements of Australia Post in UML.In a typical learning environment, assignments are often based on hypothetical case studies, like those in the tutorials. Such case studies, however, are limiting because you have little opportunity to investigate how real systems work, thus making it difficult to appreciate the complexity of a real system, the need of analysis and the usefulness analysis tools. We hope that by investigating a real system you will appreciate the importance of analysis and the role of UML as a communication and analysis tool.
During the analysis stage, UML is used to specify systems requirements, which will be used to design a computer system. In this assignment, we will use UML to document a system that has already been computerised - like reverse engineering a system (from an existing computer system to specification). This has another advantage in that you can evaluate if your specification is close enough to the real system. However, be careful when reverse engineering so you do not also include the design decisions - please see your lecturer when you are unsure, we are more than happy to give you feedback.
Please note that the case study provided here is incomplete and you need to investigate Australia Post to complete the assignment, such visiting their website or following Australia Post development in the news. If you cannot find the information you need, please talk to your lecturer or tutor.
You may also come up with functionality that does not yet exist but would add values to the business, but please discuss with your lecturer first.
Section 3 describes the motivation behind the design of this assignment; Section 4 provides information on how and what to submit (note that Moodle has been set up, so there is only
one submission from each group). The case study can be found in Section 5. Section 6 describes the tasks and mark allocation for individual and group work.
The purpose of the assignment is to ensure that you know:
1. How to document functional requirements using three tools widely used in the IT industry: brief use case description, use case diagram and domain model class diagram. The use case and domain model class diagrams are part of the Unified Modelling Language (UML).
2. How different stakeholders contribute to the definition of requirements.
The assignment addresses the following learning outcomes:
K1. Explain how models are used to assist in analysing and modifying existing business systems;
K2. Define various roles involved in the processes of system analysis;
K3. Describe techniques used to gather required information for system analysis; K4. Explain the various stages of the system development life cycle;
S1. Identify appropriate models for given scenarios;
S2. Develop various models using a professional CASE tool;
S4. Perform Object Oriented Analysis and Design to construct various object models used to communicate the scope and requirements of the project.
A1. Write integrated reports, using appropriate models, providing detailed analysis of given textual scenarios.
1. Moodle has been set up so each group submits only one document - anyone from a team can submit. You need to submit a link to your group report in a called Assignment1Submission.txt which is available from Moodle Shell.
2. Open your Federation University OneDrive account. If you have never used it, or are not sure how:
» First login to your Federation University student email account.
» Click the nine dots in the top left corner and select OneDrive.
» OneDrive should open starting the files menu.
3. Sharing the File from OneDrive with your Marker
1. Right-click on your Group Report in OneDrive.
2. Click "Copy link".
3. Click the button "People with existing access can use the link".
4. Change it to "People in Federation University Australia with the link".
5. Untick "Allow Editing" - as you do not want anyone changing your file.
6. Click Apply.
7. Copy the link that is created.
8. It will be a very long link starting with "https://federationuniversity-"
9. Download the file "Assignment1Submission.txt" from the Moodle shell
10. Open Assignment1Submission.txt
11. Paste the link for your file from OneDrive in to Submission.txt
12. Save Assignment1Submission.txt
The case study for this assignment is based on Australia Post
We will investigate three subsystems in Australia Post:
1. Mail, parcel lockers and PO box services;
2. Document services and digital identification; and
3. Recruitment and Graduate Program.
This assignment has a group work and individual work components. For diagramming (use case diagram and domain model class diagram), you may use any tools you are comfortable with - popular web-based tools include You may use other tools but make sure all members in your group use the same tool.
List four stakeholders of your subsystem, outline their roles, and indicate whether they are internal or external, operational or executive.
Brief use case description.
Ten brief use case texts for your subsystem - each use case description must have actor(s), use case name and use case description. The written case study provides at least six use cases for each subsystem, so you need to add four more new use cases.
The new use cases must fit in with the case study and your subsystem- for example, the case study is based on Australia Post; therefore, a use case for booking a car is irrelevant.
You must include an actor for each use case. Each use case must also apply these three concepts:
• can be computerised.
• perfect technology assumption (week 3).
• elementary business processes - EBP (week 3).
For each subsystem, make sure you include at least one use case that is only visible to the staff (not customers), because in assignment 2, you will be designing the screens for one use case.
use case diagram.
A use case diagram based on the brief use case description you have created.
class diagram for each subsystem.
A class diagram for your subsystem. The class diagram must support all the use cases identified.
Consolidated report
The report must clearly list each student's name and ID and which subsystem each member is responsible for.
Consolidated class diagram.
Consolidate all the class diagrams from your team members into a single class diagram.
A table which lists from which subsystem the class or attribute comes from.
This will greatly ensure that you have included all classes, relationships and attributes from all subsystem and help you and the markers in checking the consistency of the consolidated domain model class diagram.
Attachment:- Systems Requirement Specification.rar