ITECH1104 Cloud and Enterprise Computing Assignment

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Reference no: EM132518430

ITECH1104 Cloud and Enterprise Computing Assignment - Federation University, Australia

Title - ITECH1104 Node - RED Application with IBM Cloud

Overview - Node- RED is an innovative visual wiring tool to connect edge computing systems such as industrial automation controllers to cloud services such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) IoT, IBM Watson IoT, and Microsoft Azure in new and interesting ways. The Node - RED development environment offers a gradual and easily approachable learning curve for users of all levels and requires little to no programming skills. Through a visual browser- based, drag - and- drop interface, Node- RED allows you to focus on identifying an op portunity and developing a solution, rather than building the components of an application from scratch. The objective of this assignment is to test your knowledge and skills obtained from the laboratory exercises in this course where you used IBM cloud pl atform (PaaS) and Node- RED (node.js) run- time. After completion of the assessment task you will value the need for cloud and enterprise computing and value the cloud services provided in contemporary computing.

This is a group assignment. For this assignm ent you will work in a group of maximum THREE students. You are required to join a group of your choice the latest ONE week after this document is published (released). The assignment consists of three parts:

1. an application development with Node - RED;

2. a written report and;

3. a video recording of your Node - RED application demonstration

1. Application Development Requirements

There are many Node- RED sample applications on the Internet such as for example, online Node- red tutorials from IBM developer website

For the assignment your group is required to search on - line (using your search engine of choice) for examples which use t wo or more API services in a Node- RED flow. There are no limitations for your on-line search. There are only THREE requirements for your application:

1. Node- RED flow must use at least two cloud services.

2. Node- RED flow (application) must have real business applicability, and functionality.

3. Node- RED flow must be more advanced than the flows you used in your laboratory exercises, cannot be the same as the laboratory exercises.

In addition to your group's on- line search (using your search engine of choice) you can optionally explore and use any of the following on - line Node - RED tutorials and examples provided below:

1. Build a simple earthquake monitoring system.

2. Use Watson Natural Language Understanding to analyse a news article that is accessible through a URL.

3. Process image, video, audio, or text data by using deep learning models.

4. Create a language translator with a Telegram interface.

5. A set of Node- RED nodes to access various Google services.

6. Air/ground frost alerts via wunderground.

7. Watson Node- RED Services Basic Examples.

8. Watson on Node- RED Advanced Examples.

2. Written Report Requirements

The report should contain a cover page with the university name, school name, course code, course name, assignment title, and the names, and student IDs for each student from the group. The cover page should also contain the URL (link) to your presentatio n video.

Description, business applicability, and functionality of the Node - RED application should be written in a report of at least a paragraph for each heading.

In light of the Node RED application, the report text should be divided into the following FOUR (4) headings (sections): Application Overview, Cloud Services Used, Screenshots and List of references.

1. Application Overview

Briefly describe the application, its business applicability, and functionality.

2. Cloud Services Used

Provide a brief description of the cloud services used in the application.

3. Screenshots

Provide a screenshot of IBM Cloud PaaS in relation to the cloud services used.

Provide a sc reenshot of your Node- RED flow where the cloud services nodes are visible (back- end).

Provide a screenshot of your Node - RED debug output (if applicable).

Provide any other screenshot of your Node- RED application showing the front - end (if applicable).

NOTE - All screen shots should contain IBM Cloud username of one of the group member's visible in the top - right corner.

4. List of references

Provide a list of references which contains URLs (web links) to Internet resources used for the application.

Video Re cording Requirements -

Demonstration of your Node- RED application should be captured in a video recording between 2 to 3 minutes in duration in which one or more students from the group present an overview of the application and demonstrates its usage. The v ideo should be taken via desktop capture with voice over or with your mobile phone. Video and sound should be of high quality where the Node - RED application is clearly visible and the voice is understandable. The video file should be placed on the cloud (e.g. YouTube) with the URL (link) made available on the report cover page.

Attachment:- Cloud and Enterprise Computing Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM132518430

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5/18/2020 2:26:53 AM

Hi Please read the SPECIFICATION and finish the Assignment with the ONLY 1 Topic as I attached. 1. Regards on TOPIC as attached and read the requirement of assignment. 2. Use the IBM Cloud Account: Finish the screen shoot as Specification request and MAKE SURE click the top right cnr of user detail, which MUST showing the ID. ( as example attached) Please DO NOT touch any other flows in the account. 3. Finish the written report with APA style reference. NO NEED video presentation. Thanks.

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