ITEC649 Web Technology - Assignment Problem

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM132398375

ITEC649 Web Technology : Web Development Assignment

Macquarie University Australia

This year's web application project is an online store. In this assignment you will write the code to display products and support a shopping cart on the store. You are provided with a basic outline implementation of a web application. You must extend this to meet the requirements below.

Provides the database schema and code to create the database and populate it with sample data from the file `apparel.csv`. _Run this file to create your initial database. This file is used by the tests but you should not need to import it in your code.

All database connections in the project are managed by Bottle and by the test framework. Using the bottle sqlite plugin, each of your @route handlers takes a first argument called `db` which will be a valid database connection. You should use this to access the database rather than making new connections in your code. Similarly all of the functions that need to access the database take a database connection as an argument.

Creating your own connections using the sqlite3 module is likely to lead to errors and test failures.

The database connection is configured to return Row objects as results; Row objects behave like dictionaries and can be accessed using the field name as a key.

Provides the _Model_ component to interface to the database with two functions to get data from the `products` table.

- `product_get` takes a product id and returns the information about that product

- `product_list` returns a list of products, it has an optional `category` argument which if set, returns only products in that category (not used in this project)

The results of these functions are Row objects (or a list of them) and these can be used like dictionaries, eg:

product = model.product_get(db, 3)
print(product['name'], product['description']

for product in model.product_list(db):
print(product['name'], product['description']

There is nothing for you to complete in this module, you will make use of these functions in the code in ``.

Provides an interface to session data through the `beaker` module. You will need to install the following modules:

* beaker
* bottle-beaker

The sessions managed by `beaker` will contain the shopping cart information so that different sessions will have their own shopping cart. You will need to implementing this by storing the shopping cart in the beaker session dictionary under the key `cart`. For details on how to use beaker, watch the video and associated documentation in iLearn:

* [YouTube: Managing sessions with Beaker and Bottle URL]
* [Download the starter code from the video]
* [Beaker documentation]

The Python data structure of the shopping cart will be a list of dictionaries, each one representing one item in the shopping cart. Eg.

item = {
'id': <id of item in product table>,
'quantity': <quantity>,
'name': <name of item in product table>,
'cost': <quantity * unit cost of the item>

Your task is to write the functions in this module to handle the shopping cart stored in each session.

`add_to_cart(db, itemid, quantity)` This function adds a new entry to the session shopping cart.  It will need to use `model.product_get` to get details of the product and update the shopping cart with a new entry. The function does not return a value. If the item being added to the cart is already in the cart, **then the current quantity is added to the new quantity and the overall cost is updated** - there should only ever be one entry for a product in the cart.

The function should check that the item exists in the inventory, and that the updated quantity is greater than zero and it does not exceed the total available in the inventory. In any of these cases, this function should not update the cart.

Finally, make sure that the cart is saved in the session.

`get_cart_contents()` This function returns the current contents of the session shopping cart  as a list of dictionaries.

This is the main web application module that provides the different route handlers for the app. The version distributed only contains handlers for '/' and '/static/<filename:path>'. You need to extend these and add handlers for other URLs.

Note that as mentioned before, all handlers take a `db` argument that is a valid database connection, they should never make a new connection themselves. The database connection is managed by the bottle sqlite plugin.

You should handle the following URLs:

`/` - you should extend the root page to include a list of all products in the database (product names should be shown) with each product being linked to a page for that product (see below).

`/welcome` - generates a page describing the application that has the same overall design and contains the text `"Welcome to WT! The innovative online store"`.

`/category/<cat>` - generates a page containing only the products with the given category. The category is stored in the database and can either be 'men' or 'women'. The display generated by this  page should have the same structure as the main page but only contain the products in the given category. If a category other than 'men' or 'women' is requested (eg `/category/child`) then a page with no products is returned containing the text `"No products in this category"`.

`/product/<id>` - a view of an individual product with the given id. This page should show all of the product details including the name, unit_cost and description fields. Note that the product description will contain HTML markup so needs to be inserted into the template without escaping  (using the `{{!description}}` syntax -- note the exclamation mark).

If the product does not exist, then a page is returned containing the text `"The product does not exist"`.

The product page should also contain a form to add the product to the shopping cart (via a POST request to `/cart` - see below)

So, for example, the URL `/product/2` would show all details of the product with id `2`  (Classic Varsity Top) and include a form that allows the user to add this to their shopping cart.

`/cart` a GET request to this URL shows the current contents of the shopping cart. The resulting page includes a listing of all items in the cart, including their name, quantity and overall cost. It also  includes the total cost of the items in the cart.

`/cart` a POST request with variables `product` (the product id, an integer) and `quantity` (an integer) adds a new entry to the shopping cart. The response to the POST request is a **redirect to the cart page `/cart`**. When the browser gets this redirect response it will make a new GET request to `/cart` and the resulting page will contain the updated shopping cart contents.

Make sure that two separate browsers will have independent sessions. To test this, open two windows, one on each browser (say, Chrome and Firefox) simultaneously and check that each one displays a different shopping cart.


The initial project has one template (view) called `index.html` that includes `base.html` via the rebase function. You will need to extend this and add new views as needed to support the URLs  mentioned above.

Static Files

The standard static file handler is included along with a simple CSS file. You may extend this to achieve a good page layout as you see fit. You may adapt your first assignment design to the new app. Note though that this assignment is not about design and we won't be giving any marks for page layout etc.


You will be marked on the overall design of your site, including the usability of your application.  You may use the CSS stylesheet you made for Assignment 1 as the basis of your design, but you will need to extend it to handle the additional requirements of this application.

Usability means that your application should be easy to use - information is presented clearly and forms are easy to understand. Navigation between different pages is clear.

Unit and Functional Tests

All of the requirements above are tested automatically via a set of tests in the `tests`  directory. Your final mark will be largely based on whether you pass these tests or not. You can run each test file individually in PyCharm (right click on the test file and select "Run Unittests in ...").

`` tests the funcitons in ``, all tests should work already.

`` tests the functions in ``

`` provides functional tests of the app by making requests to the URLs defined above and checking the responses.

Reference no: EM132398375

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ITEC649 Web Technology - Assignment Problem : ITEC649 Web Technology Assignment Help and Solutions, Macquarie University Australia-Create the database and populate it with sample data from the file.
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