Reference no: EM133142133
ITEC327 - Essentials of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Assignment - Australian Catholic University
Assessment Artefact - Python Codes and Comments
Context - Suppose the students take a object detection competition via Kaggle, which is a common place for organization to propose and solve real-world challenges and for data scientists to practice their data analysis skills. This assignment will guide the students to participate into an in-class competition to familiarize themselves with this platform and to apply their AI/ML skills to solve real-world problems.
Instructions - Instructions to participate in this competition are:
1. Register a participation account;
2. Download training dataset;
3. Do model training and validating locally;
4. Do prediction on reserved test datasets;
5. Upload predictions with certain format.
6. Report leaderboard scores and rankings.
7. Summary/conclude your discovery, insights and experience.
Structure - In addition to the above instructions, prepare a jupyter notebook with code for this assignment. The structure of the Jupyter notebook should alternate texts and python codes and cover topics listed the in specific tasks above.
Submit predictions for testing datasets for leader board evaluation;
Submit Jupyter notebook (.ipynb) to Assessment via LEO assessment tile
Length and/or format - Kaggle competition, leader boarder scores/ranking and code.
Attachment:- Machine Learning Assignment Files.rar