ITEC327 - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM133142133

ITEC327 - Essentials of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Assignment - Australian Catholic University

Assessment Artefact - Python Codes and Comments

Context - Suppose the students take a object detection competition via Kaggle, which is a common place for organization to propose and solve real-world challenges and for data scientists to practice their data analysis skills. This assignment will guide the students to participate into an in-class competition to familiarize themselves with this platform and to apply their AI/ML skills to solve real-world problems.

Instructions - Instructions to participate in this competition are:

1. Register a participation account;

2. Download training dataset;

3. Do model training and validating locally;

4. Do prediction on reserved test datasets;

5. Upload predictions with certain format.

6. Report leaderboard scores and rankings.

7. Summary/conclude your discovery, insights and experience.

Structure - In addition to the above instructions, prepare a jupyter notebook with code for this assignment. The structure of the Jupyter notebook should alternate texts and python codes and cover topics listed the in specific tasks above.

Submit predictions for testing datasets for leader board evaluation;

Submit Jupyter notebook (.ipynb) to Assessment via LEO assessment tile

Length and/or format - Kaggle competition, leader boarder scores/ranking and code.

Attachment:- Machine Learning Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM133142133

Questions Cloud

How income inequality may lead to crime : Provide examples of how income inequality may lead to crime? Please explain how do people react to the inequality and then react with criminal acts.
What dilemmas are presented in this situation : What dilemmas are presented in this situation? Setting aside any required action, how would you react to this situation?
What situation in criminal justice research : What situation in criminal justice research/practice would require a hypothesis test to examine if there is a significant difference in observed
Contemporary integrative and critical theories : Explain how the U.S. criminal justice system is dealing with offenders under the contemporary integrative and critical theories.
ITEC327 - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning : ITEC327 - Essentials of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Assignment Help and Solution - Australian Catholic University - Assessment Writing Service
Art of crafting public policy : The art of crafting public policy can cause one group or participant(s) to benefit while creating issues or problems for another group
Find successful public service project : Find a successful public service project that exemplifies effective collaboration with different stakeholders and summarize the results of the project
Why the technology enhances or improves services : Many regions are employing e-technologies to enhance public service. Why the technology enhances or improves services,
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Python Programming Questions & Answers

  Write a python program to implement the diff command

Without using the system() function to call any bash commands, write a python program that will implement a simple version of the diff command.

  Write a program for checking a circle

Write a program for checking a circle program must either print "is a circle: YES" or "is a circle: NO", appropriately.

  Prepare a python program

Prepare a Python program which evaluates how many stuck numbers there are in a range of integers. The range will be input as two command-line arguments.

  Python atm program to enter account number

Write a simple Python ATM program. Ask user to enter their account number, and print their initail balance. (Just make one up). Ask them if they wish to make deposit or withdrawal.

  Python function to calculate two roots

Write a Python function main() to calculate two roots. You must input a,b and c from keyboard, and then print two roots. Suppose the discriminant D= b2-4ac is positive.

  Design program that asks user to enter amount in python

IN Python Design a program that asks the user to enter the amount that he or she has budget in a month. A loop should then prompt the user to enter his or her expenses for the month.

  Write python program which imports three dictionaries

Write a Python program called which imports three dictionaries, and uses the data in them to calculate how many hours each person has spent in the lab.

  Write python program to create factors of numbers

Write down a python program which takes two numbers and creates the factors of both numbers and displays the greatest common factor.

  Email spam filter

Analyze the emails and predict whether the mail is a spam or not a spam - Create a training file and copy the text of several mails and spams in to it And create a test set identical to the training set but with different examples.

  Improve the readability and structural design of the code

Improve the readability and structural design of the code by improving the function names, variables, and loops, as well as whitespace. Move functions close to related functions or blocks of code related to your organised code.

  Create a simple and responsive gui

Please use primarily PHP or Python to solve the exercise and create a simple and responsive GUI, using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.Do not use a database.

  The program is to print the time

The program is to print the time in seconds that the iterative version takes, the time in seconds that the recursive version takes, and the difference between the times.

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