ITEC150 Systems Design and Data Management Assignment

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM133148566

ITEC150 Systems Design and Data Management - Sydney Institute of Business and Technology

Case Study - Good Health Clinic

1. Use the background information to create a short summary (one short paragraph) about the Good Health Clinic.
2. Create an organisation chart for the Good Health Clinic.
3. Use the information above to describe the area of the organisation under study (i.e. the business' functions that will be handled by the new information system).
4. Add the background information, organisation chart, and business functions to your Report document in Part A: Initial Investigation.

Case Study - ISSUES

1. Either by yourself or with another class member, brainstorm all the functions that the Good Health Clinic might require. Keep it at a very high level.
2. Prepare a draft System Vision Document for the new information system for the Clinic. This system vision document will be revised when you find out more about the requirements for the system. An example system vision document can be seen in Matt to provide a sample.
3. Add your system vision document to your report document in Part A: Initial Investigation.


1. Create a table, listing all tasks separately, with their duration;
2. Identify all dependencies, and indicate what predecessor tasks are required;
3. Construct a Gantt chart in Microsoft Project or other project management software;
4. Identify the PERT/CPM chart in the software, and identify the critical path;
5. Determine the overall duration of the project;
6. Take clear screenshots of the Gantt chart and PERT/CPM chart and paste into your Report document in Part A: Initial Investigation under Project Management.
7. Include the overall duration and critical path in your report.


1. What are the risks associated with this project? Create a list of up to 10 risks and their likelihood of happening (see Study Guide topic 4, activity 4.6 for an example of how this should be set out).
2. Define the anticipated benefits of the new system. This should include both tangible and intangible benefits. Wherever possible, translate the intangible benefits into anticipated tangible benefits.
3. Define the expected costs of the new system. Look at the examples given in workshop activities for some examples of expense categories. It is ok to give estimates at this point.
4. Use two or more cost-benefit analysis techniques to decide whether to proceed with the project.
5. Identify any assumptions and interpretations that you are making with respect to the information that you have been given, that you are estimating, and that you are projecting (into the future).
6. Create a new section in Part A of your report: Risk and Cost Benefit Analysis. Insert your work from above, and give a clear indication as to whether it is feasible to continue with the project.
7. Does the proposed system present a strong business case? Why or why not? Include a recommendation as to whether the system should proceed, as the final part of your preliminary report. The Preliminary Investigation part of your Report can now be submitted.


1. What fact-finding techniques, apart from interviews, would you recommend to find out the requirements for the new system?
2. Identify at least two staff members with different primary job roles of interest to this project.
3. Develop a list of questions for an interview with each staff member. Identify the time anticipated for the interview. Review your topic on creating interview questions, and make sure you include suitable question types.
4. Include the interview plans in the Appendices for your Report.
5. Include the recommendations for other fact-finding techniques, in your Report.


1. Write down a list of the main functions needed to be handled by the new system.
2. What are the roles that will be interacting with the system?
3. Using all the information that you know about the Clinic's business operations so far, create a use-case diagram for the new system.
4. Select four use-cases and write a brief use-case description for them.
5. Pick one of these use-cases and write a full use-case description for it. Use an activity diagram in the full description.
6. Include the following in your report:
• the use-case diagram;
• the brief use-case descriptions;
• the full use-case description, including your activity diagram.


1. Review the Good Health Clinic's fact-finding summary and all other information you have about the required system. Be willing to critically analyse this for duplications and inconsistencies.
2. Draw an ERD with crows-foot cardinality notation. Assume that system entities include patients, practitioners (doctors, therapist and nurses), procedures, costs, appointments, dates, times etc....
3. Design tables - making sure each table only refers to one "thing". As you create the database design, identify primary and foreign keys by underlining primary keys, and making foreign keys italic.
4. If you add primary keys which use codes - for example a code for the procedureID, then identify the format of these codes.
5. Create suitable sample data to populate the fields for at least three records in each table.
6. Include the following in your report:
• The ERD you have completed;
• The database design (schemas);
• Formats of codes used;
• Sample data for each table.


1. Create a system sequence diagram for one of the use cases identified in Activity 6.
2. Add this system sequence diagram to your report in the appropriate area.
3. Search online for any potential commercial software packages that could be suitable. Identify two packages, and compare their features and their suitability to be used as the new system.
4. Present at least three options for the new system in your report. One of these must be in-house development, and two of the others may be the commercial packages in (3) above.
5. Review your feasibility analysis for the new system. Taking all options into consideration, make a recommendation for the new system, in your "Conclusion and Recommendations" section.

Attachment:- Case Studies for your Project.rar

Reference no: EM133148566

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