Reference no: EM132475244 , Length: 5000 Words
ITC561 Cloud Computing Assignment Help and Solution - Charles Sturt University, CSU, Australia
Assessment item - Risk, Security and Management
Subject learning outcomes - This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
Be able to compare and evaluate the ability of different cloud computing architectures to meet a set of given business requirements.
Be able to evaluate a set of business requirements to determine suitability for a cloud computing delivery model.
Be able to identify and design an ICT Risk Management strategy for a cloud computing delivery plan to meet business requirements.
Be able to critically analyse business requirements to plan a migration to a cloud model.
Be able to compare and critique Service Level Agreements (SLA) that meet the business requirements for a cloud computing plan
Graduate learning outcomes - This task also contributes to the assessment of the following CSU Graduate Learning Outcome/s:
Information and Research Literacies (Knowledge) - CSU Graduates demonstrate that disciplinary knowledge is developed through research and evidence.
Information and Research Literacies (Skill) - CSU Graduates demonstrate the skills required to locate, access and critically evaluate existing information and data.
Digital Literacies (Knowledge) - CSU Graduates understand professional, social and cultural implications of the global use of technology.
Digital Literacies (Skill) - CSU Graduates use, create, communicate and share multimodal information in digital environments.
Professional Practice (Knowledge) - CSU Graduates possess the knowledge and understanding of the discipline and the nature of professionalism required for the given profession or discipline in contemporary societies.
Professional Practice (Skill) - CSU Graduates demonstrate discipline-specific technical capabilities and self-appraisal required for a beginning practitioner or professional.
Assessment Task - Read the DTGOV Case Study before you attempt this assignment.
Tasks - The team's task is to prepare a report for DTGOV that discusses the following:
1. Describe which Cloud architectures you would employ to assist DTGOV to meet the Board's strategy?
i. Describe each of the architectures that you would use, along with your reasons for deploying it.
ii. Describe the benefits and issues that would be the result of your deployment of these architectures.
2. Describe the risks that you see associated with this new Hybrid Cloud and Microservices strategy. You should name and describe each risk that you identify, and then describe a possible control for the risk. This should be presented in a tabular form.
3. Describe the general Information Security steps and controls that you would recommend to the Board to secure the Hybrid Cloud. You will need to explain to the Board your reasons for recommending these particular security steps.
4. Discuss briefly what you would recommend should be included in DTGOV's BCP as a result of their adoption of a Hybrid Cloud and Microservices approach. You will need to consider, as a minimum, the issues of application resilience, backup and disaster recovery in a Hybrid Cloud environment. This section should be no more than 2 pages.
5. Discuss the requirements that DTGOV will need to consider in order to conduct remote server administration, resource management and SLA management for its proposed IaaS and PaaS instances (it may be useful to consider Morad and Dalbhanjan's operational checklists for this section). This section should be no more than two to three pages in length.
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