ITC212 Internet Technologies Assignment

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Reference no: EM132434706

ITC212 - Internet Technologies - Charles Sturt University

Learning outcomes

• be able to define and explain various internet terminologies;
• be able to describe and analyse the role and importance of internet technologies in the modern world;
• be able to describe and evaluate emerging internet technologies such as Internet of Everything (IoE) and web applications;
• be able to apply basic knowledge of creation of web pages using XHTML and CSS;
• be able to explain how different application layer services such as client-server and Peer-to-Peer Paradigms work in the internet.

Assessment - Short Answer Questions

You are required to answer all the following questions.

Question 1:


Figure 1

Consider the network shown in Fig. 1. Each of the subnets A-D contains at most 56 hosts, and subnet E connects routers R1 and R2.

Assign network addresses to the five subnets in Fig. 1 ( write the address you have assigned in dotted decimal notation such as xxxx xxxx.xxxx xxxx.xxxx xxxx. ../ )

Suppose that there 21 hosts in A-D. Does your answer to Question 1.1 change? If changed, please assign network addresses to the five subnets as Q1.1.

For the case in Q 1.1, what is the network prefix advertised by router R1 to the public Internet?

Question 2: IP addressing

Discuss the Global unicast, unique local and link local addresses of IPV6. Your answer must provide comparisons with IPV4 public and private addresses.

What is NAT and why it is utilized in IPV4?

Question 3:

Compare Link state and Distance vector routing protocols at the network layer. The answer discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the protocols. The answer must also list examples of Link state and Distance vector routing protocols.

Question 4:

A 120-byte message is sent through a private internet using the TCP/IP protocol suite (IP4). If the protocol adds a 15-byte header at each layer (assume headers are added only at layers 5, 4, 3, and 2), what is the efficiency of the system (the ratio of the number of useful bytes to the number of total bytes)?

Question 5:

Host A and B are communicating over a TCP connection, and Host B has already received from A all bytes up through byte 104. Suppose that Host A then sends two segments to Host B back- to-back. The first and second segments contain 30 and 60 bytes of data, respectively. In the first segment, the sequence number is 105, the source port number is 500, and the destination port number is 80. Host B sends an acknowledgement whenever it receives a segment from Host A.

5.1 In the second segment sent from Host A to B, what are the sequence number, source port number, and destination port number?

5. 2 If the first segment arrives before the second segment, in the acknowledgement of the first arriving segment, what is the acknowledgment number, the source port number, and the destination port number?

If the second segment arrives before the first segment, in the acknowledgement of the first arriving segment, what is the acknowledgment number?

Your assessment should be submitted in either MS Word or PDF format. Please do not submit your assignment in any other format and also do not submit multiple copies of the assessment. Use A4 page size with Times New Roman, Ariel or Calibri font and use a font size of 11 or 12

Assessment - Web Site Design

You may have a personal portfolio website for a number of reasons. If you're a freelancer, then you'd need one to showcase your work and allow people to contact you. For a student (or unemployed), the portfolio can be used to show your work to prospective employers. If you're part of a studio, then you might use one to blog about your design life, show people what you're doing and build your online presence.

A personal portfolio website is all about promoting you. You are a brand, and your name is a brand name. No one is going to know about your brand unless you get it out there; and if you're a Web designer, developer, writer, gamer etc, then it's essential that you have a good portfolio website.

Getting Web Server Account on CSU Web Servers

Do these steps early, if you have difficulties accessing the Web Server contact Student Central in the first instance. If you can't resolve problems quickly, contact your Subject Coordinator as soon as possible.

1. Go to the web site
2. Go to "Students? Your personal publishing information is "here" link and follows the instruction to get the web server account and how to publish your information.
3. Keep in mind that the CSU web server allows a maximum size of data files up to 20MB. So your data files should be within this limit.

4. Create a file named "itc212-201990.html" (with no content)
5. Download WinSCP, select the SFTP protocol, host: and your CSU username and password.
6. Transfer the file in step 4, into your "public_html" directory.
7. You should have a webpage address similar to (where username is your actual CSU username).

Then complete the following:
1. Create a new HTML5 file named index.htm and save it in a folder with your Data Files.
2. Add the appropriate doctype for HTML5 to the beginning of the file.

3. Add a comment to the document head describing the document's content and containing your name and the date.

4. Add an appropriate page title to the document head.

5. Set the character set of the file to UTF-8.

6. Include ALL of the followings:
structural elements such as the header, footer, section and aside elements grouping elements including a heading and a paragraph
a text-level element an inline image
a character entity reference or a character encoding number ordered or unordered list
at least one table
an external Style Sheet which provides at least 2 type selectors and a universal selector

7. Validate the web page(s) you have created using validator website (there should be no errors for HTML5)

8. Structure your HTML5 code so that it's easy for others to read and understand.

9. Save your changes to the file, and then open it in your Web browser to verify that is readable.

10. Upload your files to the web server account you have created on CSU web server. Make sure that the web page you have created is linked to your own homepage

11. Submit a document containing the full URL of your homepage through Turnitin (PDF or Word document, NOT both). You do not need to submit your other files. Note that the files are date stamped on the server so should not be modified after submission, otherwise, a late penalty will be applied.

This website must be unique (not part of a previous submission or exist elsewhere on the Internet), and it must be hand coded. The use of Dreamweaver or other Web page creation software will not be accepted and will result in zero marks being awarded to this assessment item.

This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
• be able to define and explain various internet terminologies.
• be able to describe and analyse the role and importance of internet technologies in the modern world.
• be able to describe and evaluate emerging internet technologies such as Internet of Everything (IoE) and web applications.
• be able to apply basic knowledge of creation of web pages using XHTML and CSS.
• be able to explain how different application layer services such as client-server and Peer-to-Peer Paradigms work in the internet.

Reference no: EM132434706

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1/15/2020 1:16:43 AM

This assignment should be present in MS word or pdf style. Use charles Sturt university APA style. Use A4 size page to write. And for other information read assessment 3 which upload the named ITC212.

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