It would be cool if a device was actually part

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13167810

Have you ever been low on cash and couldn't go beyond a certain dollar limit when shopping? You sort of need a calculator in your head. It would be cool if a device was actually part of the cart and as you add an item into the cart it would increment your total counter. To solve this, we are going to write a program that keeps a tally of the amount that we have spent so far as we visit a store.

  1. Allow the shopper (user) to enter in the product name and the cost. This should      be echoed and confirmed. Make sure to check for bad data.
  2. The user should be allowed to continue this until they want to checkout.
  3. Your program needs to keep a running total.
  4. Upon checkout, the grand total should be displayed.
  5. Display money using proper formatting. You will need to have the following before displaying dollars and cents:

Reference no: EM13167810

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