It systems can facilitate knowledge storage

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13308865

IT systems can facilitate knowledge storage, creation, dissemination, organization, reuse/retreival, transfer and protection. Prior to responding to this conference you should read Alavi&Leidner (2011) and be prepared to apply the cases provided (Vivisimo and EHR).

1-EXTERNAL SEARCH FOR KNOWLEDGE. Does the application of IT to K-transfer reduce or discourage the external search for needed knowledge? (Alavi&Leidner, 2011) If so, how? Apply your hypothesis about this tactic to a product or service. 

2-QUALITY AND USEFULNESS. What factors related to the quality and relevance of KMS (Alavi&Leidner)? For example the reliability and trust?updates and modifications? 

Reference no: EM13308865

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It systems can facilitate knowledge storage : IT systems can facilitate knowledge storage, creation, dissemination, organization, reuse/retreival, transfer and protection. Prior to responding to this conference you should read Alavi&Leidner (2011) and be prepared to apply the cases provided (Viv..
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