IT strategy and governance higher sector

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Reference no: EM132993633

Assessment Task - Literature Review

The purpose of this assignment is to:

- To demonstrate understanding of a range of contemporary topics and related issues impacting the IT strategy and governance
- To learn and practise appropriate reflective skills related to IT strategy and governance.
- To display students' knowledge of assessable materials by using writing communication skills.

Mapping of Course Learning Outcomes to this Assignment K1-3, V1

- K1: Demonstrate perspectives on organisational values.
- K2: Describe ICT governance frameworks including the COBIT framework.
- K3: Contrast the role of ICT governance in diverse settings including global corporate, government and not for profit sectors
- V1: Appreciates the importance and benefits of IT governance and management techniques in today's business world

You are required to write a 2000 words literature review to analyse critically a selected topic and related possible issues, and discuss the context, concept, techniques, scope and impact that this topic and issues create specifically within the IT strategy and governance sector. Your literature review will produce an evidence-based and critical analysed essay that explores the factors impacting the selected topic and possible issue(s) at the IT strategy and governance level.

Students are required to select one topic of under the umbrella of IT strategy and governance/management and create an essay that analyses critically the following elements from the perspective of IT strategy and governance in general (all of which must be supported by literary evidence):

• Select one of the topics under the umbrella of IT strategy and governance/management and develop an annotated bibliography of literature review essay.
• The brief and relevant context of the topic and possible issue(s)
• Why the topic or issue is considered contemporary in the IT strategy and governance higher sector
• Describe and critically discuss what problems, challenges of the topic and its application are and how the problems would be solved and what solutions are
• Give an example of applications
• Your literature review should reference at least five current papers in this area and the papers were published not more than 5 years old. In addition to the five current papers, you may also use text books to back up your discussions.
• The literature review must be written in an appropriate format (APA referencing), with an introduction, paragraphs in the body that advance your discussion, and a conclusion that sums up your main points.

Please note that while it is acceptable to use sources such as Wikipedia to gain a general view of a topic and the keywords used in that area, these sources are NOT suitable academic references. To find suitable reference papers, you should use the library search facilities, such as ACM Digital Library, etc.

Attachment:- Assessment task - Specification.rar

Reference no: EM132993633

Questions Cloud

Future of analytics and analytical competition : 1. What role does the increase in the ability to capture, store, and process large amounts of data have on the ability of companies to compete analytically?
Explain what created the communication issue : You are required to identify an organizational communication issue and then explain what created the communication issue. You can use any situation past or pres
What kind of firm would use a job order cost system : Discuss how the predetermined factory overhead rate can be used in job order cost accounting to assist management in pricing jobs.
Tactics to encourage entrepreneurial behaviour : -Explain the relationship between creativity, innovation and corporate entrepreneurship and how it impacts business growth, sustainability and wealth creation
IT strategy and governance higher sector : Demonstrate perspectives on organisational values - Why the topic or issue is considered contemporary in the IT strategy and governance higher sector
Does is take a village to solve problems like hunger : -Does is take a village to solve problems like hunger? Explain. How effective can organizations such as the WFP be in solving world hunger without the support f
What is present value of cash inflow from purchasing tractor : What is the present value of cash inflow from purchasing the tractor? A farrm decide whether or not to purchase a new tractor the tractor will reduce cost.
Difference between real property and personal property : What is the difference between Real Property and Personal Property? Define each and compare and contrast.
Real property and personal property : What is the difference between Real Property and Personal Property? Define each and compare and contrast.



9/20/2021 4:50:17 AM

• After selecting related topic, you may describe and critically discuss what problems, challenges of the topic are and how the problems would be solved and what solutions are, etc. • When addressing the selected topic, you need to collect references (5 articles) for supporting your ideas, statements, arguments and conclusion, etc, just like writing an essay or research paper. • One paragraph should express one main idea. Normally, each paragraph should have a topic sentence that expresses the main idea in this paragraph. Then other sentences in the paragraph support this topic sentence. For example, we can use evidence such as fact, theory, examples or idea from reference to support the topic sentence. At the end of paragraph, we should also briefly surmise this paragraph. • Each paragraph discusses one thing and different paragraphs should have logical connection. 3. How to correctly use references? • If we want to use references to support our discussion, or argument, we can re-write the sentences in the references based on our understanding and then give the references, and we should avoid directly copying original texts from the references.


9/20/2021 4:50:09 AM

For example, from the week 4 lecture, we discuss IT Strategy. Based on the definition, strategy indicates that business areas of a company and the necessary resources and required investments are aligned to realize the aspired goals. Now supposing you are a boss of a small software company, and then you may need to do Strategic Segmentation Analysis under COVID-19, such as analysing Markets and Customers, Location, Identification of customers, Decision mode of customers, Motivation for purchasing, Market rules and regulations, Market trends, etc. Anyway you have a lot of things to say and to worry because you want to "survive" under the situation. You may even use Porter’s Five Forces theory to support your discussion. 2. How to write your essay? Based on the marking guide, Development of Discussion(9 marks) in your essay should cover • Thoroughness of research • Relevance of points • Logical development of discussion • Use of references to support points • Comparison of views • Cohesion of overall report


9/20/2021 4:50:01 AM

Here are some ways to approach the assignment . Please have a look 1. How to select a topic, using scenario to narrow topic down to a specific area Based on marking guide, we need to select one of the topics under the umbrella of IT strategy and governance/management, then clearly articulate the issues and comprehensively discuss the context/s in terms of IT strategy and governance. This means that we need to select one topic that has been presented in the lecture. For example, we may first select IT and business strategies as our topic. As the topic can cover broad area, so it may be difficult for us to discuss it. If we can narrow the topic down and just limit IT and business strategies to the specific area or case( such as alignment small software company strategies under COVID-19( not recommend you to use this topic as many other students may use it. this is just an example), it may be easy for us to find fact, theory and examples to support our discussion. The more topic familiar and concrete, the more we can find something to say.

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