It is important for an organization to investigate workplace

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Reference no: EM132303


A financial review within your organization has resulted in a proposal to the Board of Directors to cut its Health and Safety budget and to cancel a capital project that was designed to lead to significant improvements in the working environment. This comes as a major disappointment as you have been striving to establish a ‘health and safety culture' in your organization

(a) Explain briefly what is meant by the ‘health and safety culture' of an organisation and identify, using practical examples, the barriers to the development of a positive health and safety culture within an organisation

(b) As the organization's Health and Safety Manager, present an argument to the Board for rejection of this proposal


The hotel industry is an important one closely linked to tourism and forms a significant part of the economy. Hotels employ a variety of staff including room attendants, front desk personnel, chefs, waiters, laundry operators etc. They can be exposed to a variety of health and safety hazards at work depending on the specific tasks that they perform

(a) Name and briefly describe some of the main hazards related to this industry and

(b) The necessary control measures for the mentioned hazards using examples to demonstrate your point


(a) ‘Perception' may be defined as the process by which people interpret information that they take in through their sense. Outline the range of factors that may affect how people perceive hazards in the work place

(b) Outline the organizational and behavioural factors that may lead new employees to disregard instruction given during health and safety induction training


Accident investigations can vary in terms of duration, size and specialisms of the investigation team and resources allocated

(a) Explain why it is important for an organization to investigate workplace accidents

(b) Outline the factors that would influence the level of investigation required following a workplace accident

Reference no: EM132303

Questions Cloud

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Evaluate the amount of cash expected to be collected in july : Evaluate the amount of cash expected to be collected in July
What is acmes selection of costing system : Evaluate cost of the ending work in process of the department
It is important for an organization to investigate workplace : Explain why it is important for an organization to investigate workplace accidents Outline the factors that would influence the level of investigation required following a workplace accident
Determine the total fixed cost per month : Determine the total fixed cost per month
Difference between actual and normal cost : Write the adjusting entry needed to reconcile the difference between actual and normal cost
Determine the minimum price per unit : Determine the minimum price per unit the company should accept
Evaluate the sales budget of a company : Evaluate the Sales Budget of a company, Manufacturing overhead cost budget


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