Reference no: EM132665677
ISYS2395 Business Systems Analysis and Design - RMIT University
As part of this assessment, you are required to choose a piece of software (app, website, game, or any application) that you are familiar with. This familiarity could be due to your frequent use of the software as a customer, or as a staff member (i.e. you use or have used this software at work or in your business).
This software needs to be:
- Interactive, in that it allows the user to register and create personal accounts, and engage in interactive transactions
- Fully-live in that it's being used in a real-life setting, i.e. not defunct, or in a pilot stage
Note that the software can be aimed at users in any country, i.e. does not have to be an Australian software. Ofcourse, if the software is in a language other than English, translations into English will be required.
The roadmap for this project
1. Submit a one-page proposal (pdf) by the end of week 5, which should contain
a. What software application you are going to deconstruct?
b. Describe the software briefly using screenshots (and provide links).
This description includes
i. What are the types of Actors that use this software?
ii. What are the core processes/functionality offered to the Actors?
iii. How do these processes reflect the business model of the organisation the software belongs to?
c. Why have you chosen this software?
2. By week 7, we will let you know whether your proposal has been approved or not. If it has not been approved, it means that we don't think this particular software is appropriate, or perhaps, way too many students have selected it (beware of hugely popular platforms such as Instagram, Uber Eats, WeChat, or eBay). If we do not approve this software, you will need to proposal an alternate one, so best to ensure you have a plan B software ready, just in case.
3. Once your proposal is approved, you can commence work on the project, which involves the deconstruction of the software using UML. You need to:
a. Design one Use Case Diagram for a primary Actor
b. Two expanded Use Cases for one or more primary Actors
c. Class Diagram
d. Two Activity Diagrams for core processes
e. One State Diagram
f. Narratives about the User-Interface Design
4. This individual project needs to be submitted as one PDF document onto Canvas (linked in with Turnitin) by Sun Nov 1 before midnight.
5. Format for the report:
a. Executive Summary (max 1 page)
b. The UML models (page limits not relevant here)
c. Narratives about the User-Interface Design (max 1 page)
d. References
e. Appendix: links and screen-shots of the software, and the proposal submitted in week 6.
This is actually about business information system.
We have a misunderstanding on the concepts of required diagrams.
The Proposal
Selection of the application would be the gaming platform Steam from Valve. The actors that are using Steam include users, developers, and the system administrators from Steam. Users would mainly buy products, who are games and contents offered by the platform.
Developers would design and sell products on the platform. System administrators would be in charge of game qualification, user reflection, fair-fight ensuring and so on.