ISYS1002 Cybersecurity Assignment

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM133180686

ISYS1002 Cybersecurity - Southern Cross University

Task Description:

You are interviewed by Southern Cross University for a position of cybersecurity consultant to work in a university's cybersecurity program. As part of the interview, you are required to complete the following tasks:
• To complete the tasks, use the given guidelines.

Task 1: discuss five important roles of cybersecurity in the university.
• What are the elements of cybersecurity, and what has to be protected?

Task 2: develop five questions that allow you to identify the most critical information assets of the university.
• What is an information asset?
• What makes an information asset critical?

Task 3: discuss why risk assessment is the most critical step in developing and managing cyber security in the university.
• What is risk assessment?
• What do you know by performing risk assessment and what you do not know if not performing risk assessment from the cybersecurity perspective?
• How are risk assessment results used to develop and manage cybersecurity, and how they can affect the business decision-making process?

Task 4: identify the top five threats to the university information assets.
• Clearly understand the difference between important security concepts, including threats, hazards, attacks, and incidents.
• Search for security threat, incident, and trend reports and use the results from reputable sources such as government organisations and security companies.
• Identify relevant threats by studying statistics and

Task 5: let's assume that the university website is one of the most critical information assets of the university. Discuss how the top five threats could/could not impact the asset. Rank the threats based on their levels of impact on the asset. Support your discussion by quoting reputable sources of information.
• Identify potential weaknesses (vulnerabilities) of the asset based on three information security components: confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
• Study the working mechanism of each threat to assess the potential impact of the threat on the asset by exploiting the vulnerabilities. Use your own and public domain knowledge to help you with the impact assessment.
Your report should have correct grammar and spelling; Well supported Arguments; Cite all reference sources.

Attachment:- Cybersecurity.rar

Reference no: EM133180686

Questions Cloud

Business plan for hypothetical medical facility : Write a business plan for a hypothetical medical facility of your choice. Give an evaluation of methods and indicate when they should be used for best results
Relationship between performance and reward management : 1. Discuss the relationship between performance and reward management and individual job performance (drawing on the research literature)
Difference between gender identity and sexual orientation : Explain the difference between gender identity and sexual orientation, and why it is important professionally to understand this difference.
Basics Of Workers Compensation and Claims : Does the employer have a right to deny her worker's compensation claim for the car accident? What do you recommend Gladys do in this situation?
ISYS1002 Cybersecurity Assignment : ISYS1002 Cybersecurity Assignment Help and Solution, Southern Cross University - Assessment Writing Service
Describe principles of fee-for-service plans : Describe the principles of fee-for-service plans and managed care plans. Summarize three broad health-care plan design alternatives.
Describes level of health insurance coverage : Describes the level of health insurance coverage in the United States and the financial protection provided by that coverage.
Summarize the changes in global politics : Summarize the changes in global politics and the advantages or disadvantages of globalization.
How do you qualify for CHAMPVA : Describe two health care plans offered by TRICARE. How do you qualify for CHAMPVA?


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