ISY202 Information Systems Networking- Assignment Problem

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Reference no: EM132387112 , Length: word count : 2300

ISY202 – Information Systems Networking


The Smart Digital Networks Company is a new company with its Headquarters building in the city, and with branches in Parramatta, Hornsby, and Sutherland. In addition, there are two small home offices in Bankstown and Epping. There are WAN connections between each site and Head Office, with all Internet access through the Head Office site.

The Smart Digital Networks Company is a retail company for all types of computing devices. The company is planning a restructuring of its network to allow for an expected 100% expansion over the next 5 years. Whilst the numbers of sites are expected to remain the same, the number of employees, and so end computing devices, is expected to double. However, the server farm, currently 4 servers, is expected to be adequate for the foreseeable future. The Smart Digital Networks Company has consulted your group to provide a detailed Networking Plan. To assist you the below diagram is supplied.

969_Network Diagram.jpg

Diagram- Smart Digital Networks Company Network Plan


You must design the network requirements for the Smart Digital Networks Company. As the network consultant you will be required to develop a plan for the Company network, including all costs, for all of the following:

1. The type of media you propose to use. This must be adequate to allow for a 100% expansion of the Company network within 5 years, and must be sufficient for all bandwidth requirements for each Company site. It should also be sufficient for increased bandwidth needs in the future.

Whilst the actual lengths of media chosen are not required, the cost of media chosen should be included as a cost per meter
price. You must justify your choice of media. Remember this might include copper, fiber and wireless options. The serial links between each site will be supplied by the company’s ISP and are therefore not to be included in the above media requirements.

2. You are required to subnet the Company’s network IPv4 Address using VLSM as appropriate. You will be required to provide summary tables with IP Address ranges for all hosts in your network. When allocating addresses you must allow enough addresses for the 100% expected future expansion of hosts for the Smart Digital Networks Company.

As well, you need to allocate one (1) printer for each 50 computers (or part thereof) on each subnet. If there are, for example, 70 computers required on a subnet, then two printers are required for that subnet. Printers will have the last usable address/es for the subnet to which they belong. The servers will be located in a separate subnet, and must be allocated static IPv4 Addresses within that network. The number of servers is not expected to grow.

3. The SDN Company is anticipating a move to IPv6 in the future, and so needs to use a Dual Stack environment for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. You are required to address the network for IPv6.

4. You must detail the hardware (ONLY switches, routers) that the SDN Company will require. This must include full reasons for selecting particular hardware, which must be adequate for the SDN Company’s requirements. Again, consideration must be made with regard to future expansion and bandwidth requirements. The details about computers, servers and printers are not required.

5. You must justify the type of network topology you propose to use at each SDN Company location. A topology diagram for each location should be included in your report.

6. Communication on the Internet is essential. Select and fully justify the type of Internet access you propose to have for this Company. This must be scalable to allow for future growth and needs. The Point of Presence (POP) is located at Head Office.

IPv4 Addressing

The Smart Digital Networks Company has purchased the IP Address (Given by your Instructor) from its ISP for addressing all hosts within its network. Subnet, using VLSM, this IP Address to provide addresses for all required hosts. This addressing scheme should allow for the 100% expected growth. Complete the table below.


IPv6 Addressing

The Smart Digital Networks Company has purchased the IPv6 Address (Given by your Instructor) from its ISP for addressing all hosts within its network. Subnet, using VLSM, this IP Address to provide addresses for all required hosts. This addressing scheme should allow for the 100% expected growth. Complete the table below

108_Iv 6.jpg

Additional Information

1. Apart from the IP Addresses, you are not required to supply any WAN link information. This included serial cables, VPN connections, or any security issues relating to those links.

2. Head Office employees are in three separate networks as follows:

a. Sales 55 Hosts

b. Marketing 40 hosts

c. Accounts 25 Hosts

3. There will be a Server Network, with 4 Servers, for the entire Company. This will be situated in a separate LAN in the Head Office building. It is expected that the 4 servers will be sufficient for the next 5 years, and so will not be subject to the 100% growth requirement.

4. All branch offices and Home Offices can be considered an extension of the Head Office network, and so the IP Addresses allocated must be reflected in the overall addressing scheme for the company. The only media requirements required are those internal for each site.

5. Hardware (such as routers and switches) should reflect expected usage. Therefore, low usage environments such as those for the Home Offices, would require different hardware than high usage areas, such as those of the HeadOffice.

6. Internet Access for the entire company, the Point of Presence (POP), is through the Head Office. This connection should be sufficient for all current users, and scalable to allow for the expected increase over the next 5 years.

Reference no: EM132387112

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The assignment submission should take the form of a report that thoroughly details the reasons for decisions made, as well as the actual decisions made. You should ascertain actual costs by searching the internet. Base all your costing in Australian dollars. (Note: Take care not to quote prices in US dollars, as many web sites are US based.) The total length of the report is 2000 - 2500 words. You should include a Title Page, Index Page, the full report and all references. All information sources must be appropriately acknowledged and a full bibliography is required. This assignment is to be done in a group. Much of the work can be based on research carried out on the Internet. All information obtained must be fully referenced using the referencing method, as per the subject outline.

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