Reference no: EM133758004 , Length: word count:1500
Current Issues in Hospitality
Three case study readings (i.e., Case Study 1-3) are provided in advance, and you choose one case study only (e.g., Case Study 1) that represents your subject interest. Each case study (i.e., Case Study 1-3) focuses on a different and unique theme or topic and thus requires a set of different tasks to examine. For example, Case Study 1 is on 'Food sources, food (in)security, and food waste in hospitality (and tourism) sector'.
For further details, refer to separate documents below. The case study analysis report should respond all the tasks in a comprehensive, constructive way using both academic and non-academic references. It should include potential and yet realistic practical implications related to your chosen case study. The report should be 1,500 words, excluding references (and appendix if required). For your reference, assessment criteria/marking rubrics for this assessment are provided below.
The selected current issue(s) will be covered during the semester, and weekly additional readings will be provided to assist you better understand key concepts and/or issues shaping and influencing the hospitality and tourism industry. Refer to Assessment Rubrics for the marking criteria.
APA 7th Referencing Guide
Case Study 1 - Food sources, food miles and sustainability in hospitality sector
I herewith introduce to you a fascinating case study of food security and its relationship with agriculture, hospitality and tourism sectors within the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) countries. Below is the detailed information of the article. It is clear to say that the continuing growth of hospitality and tourism sectors in this region aligns with and reflects on the government policy highlighting the hospitality and tourism sectors as a means of economic diversification, which has significant ramifications on its overall food security.
With respect to the amounts of food it consumes and food wastes it generates in the hospitality and tourism sectors in the region, to some extent we are able to reflect on the food stability element of food security in the hospitality and tourism sectors. The hospitality sector including hotels and restaurants can play a particular, pivotal role in helping to decrease food demand in the region and make it more food and water secure. What would be feasible and realistic recommendations for short- and long-term action plans to make it different if you were a GM of a world-renown hotel chain in the region?
Task 1: Search for, read, analyse and present your recommendations for short- and long-term action plans to make it different as if you were a General Manager (GM) of a world-renown hotel chain in the region. Please present it with supporting material such as best practice, statistics, or/and academic and industrial research findings and implications.
Please read the following article:
Pirani, S. I., & Arafat, H. A. (2016). Interplay of food security, agriculture and tourism within GCC countries. Global Food Security, 9, 1-9.
Case Study 2 - Political change, security and terrorism in hospitality sector
In preparation for the Case Study 2, please read the following article:
Peter, C., Poulston, J., & Losekoot, E. (2014). Terrorism, rugby, and hospitality: she'll be right.
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 3, 253-261.
For students who choose the Case Study 2
In the paper, it is stated that hospitality organisations in the United States (US) in particular have a high level of preparedness against terrorism, and many large hotels are now designed with in-built security features. What are the in-built security features adopted? What about other continents for example, Europe which has been impacted by and suffered from a series of terrorism attacks over the last decades or so including two current ones in Manchester and London in UK?
Task: Please respond to the above questions by searching for, reading, analysing and presenting currently adopted practices of in-built security features. You can compare between US and Europe by using some case studies.
Case Study 3 - Technological changes and its implications in hospitality sector
In preparation for the Case Study 3, please read the following article:
Neuholfer, B., Buhalis, D., & Ladkin, A. (2015). Smart technologies for personalized experiences: a case study in the hospitality domain. Electron Markets, 25, 243-254.
For students who choose the Case Study 3
As highlighted in this paper, we are aware that consumers, in particular in the hospitality (and tourism) sector, no longer seek to only purchase products and services but are in quest for experiences obtained through the consumption of product and services. In this regard, the main question for the businesses is how to strategically integrate smart technologies to allow for the co- creation of valuable consumer experiences.
Task: Please search for, analyse and present best practices or prime real examples of strategies and tactics implemented by hotels and other areas of hospitality sector for example, restaurants and catering.