Issues involved in collaborative software development

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM133097886

Software Development Project - Assignment

Learning Outcome 1: On successful completion of the assignment students should be able to:

Learning Outcome 2: Analyse, design and develop a software by allocating suitable task to suitable members/teams

Learning Outcome 3: Analyse issues involved in collaborative software development

Learning Outcome 4: Use necessary methods and tools to overcome issues in collaborative software development

Learning Outcome 5: Justify selection of appropriate methods, tools and techniques to develop asoftware

Learning Outcome 6: Critically evaluate and manage self and peer learning, progress and performance effectively

An e-commerce marketplace, that will allow small shops within the country to sell their products online without having a website

Assignment Overview

This assignment requires you to carry out Software Development exercise as a team. The team will consist of 6-10 members. Exact team size will be decided based on the class size. Each team will appoint members to the following roles:

  • Project Manager
  • Software Architect
  • Business Analyst
  • Software Engineer
  • Quality Assurance Engineer
  • UI/UX Engineer

The roles are described in more detail in the next section of this document. There can be more than one role per team member. Based on the capacity of the work more than one member can be allocated to one role.

The team should select a problem/system which needs some improvements to be done. The team is required to provide an innovative solution and implement the solution using suitable software development methodology/methodologies and development environment. The precise domain and scope may be chosen by the team, but needs to be confirmed by Lecturer. Examples would be a patient manamegemt system during pandemic situation, an event management system and a online education platform etc. Teams are encouraged to find a client/ clients to understand how the actual business process occurs prior to the development.

Description of Roles
Project manager
The Manager is responsible for team coordination and making sure the system is delivered on time should act as a coach for the team, helping the team to do the best work it possibly can.
facilitating meetings, and doing things like working with developers to make sure the progress is in good shape and ready for the nextphase.
Software Architect
The Software Architect must: prepare software architecture for the whole system recommenad suitable technologies/ development environments to develop the product
Business Analyst
The Business Analyst must:
gather requirements from theclient/clients
prepare software requirement specification with userintefaces

Software Engineer
The Software Engineer must:
produce a prototype design for presentation during aworkshop
listen to criticisms andfeedback
produce further prototype designs for presentation at further workshops until a final version isagreed
Produce a working prototype for presentation at a workshop then repeat steps c andd.

Quality AssuranceEngineer
The QA engineer should:
develop all the planning processes and procedures in order to try to make sure that the products manufactured or the service delivered by the organization will be of good quality.
define the standards/methodology to be followed in order to meet the customer requirements. "Fit forpurpose".
All TeamMembers
Work together to complete the assignment in an effective and timely manner.

Outputs and Hand-in Details
A presentation by the group describing the developed product and its approach. This should lastbetween 10 and 15 minutes and will be followed by between 5 and 10 minutes of questions and answers.

A group report (1600 words +/-10%) collated by the Project Manager using contributions from all team members;

Describing all aspects of the developmentprogram.
A reflection on their experiences during the software development process (e.g. what they gained from the programetc.)
A critique of the software development methodology (e.g., agile, waterfall, etc) with respect to your groupproject.
Issue Identification
Proposed solution
Project Team
Project Initiation
Software Development Methodology Used (Agile)
Project Management - (Tools)
Development Process
Prototype Evaluation

Attachment:- Software Development Project.rar

Reference no: EM133097886

Questions Cloud

Unprecedented challenges and uncertainties : The pandemic has thrust upon us unprecedented challenges and uncertainties. How has consumer behavior - the way consumers shop and interact with brands
Healthcare advocacy plan : You will communicate a healthcare advocacy plan. You will contact either a local healthcare agency
Review strategic communications outlines : Review strategic communications outlines from at least two of your peers. Provide feedback.
Type of acquisition : What are the advantages and disadvantages of the type of acquisition you decided on? Describe how you will take title of the property?
Issues involved in collaborative software development : Design and develop a software by allocating suitable task to suitable members - Use necessary methods and tools to overcome issues in collaborative software
How should the nlrb rule on complaint : Gonzales worked in the meat department of Groceries-R-Us and also served as a union steward at the store. When he learned that he had been scheduled to work on
Describe a few communication strategies that worked well : Describe a few communication strategies that worked well and a few that did not in your project. Conduct research and use sources to support your findings.
Find a successor that can mimic the predecessor : Do you think it is really possible to find a successor that can mimic the predecessor with authenticity? Singh (2015) notes that trying to hire a successor just
Examine how healthcare manager works : Examine how healthcare manager works with other healthcare professionals. With references



3/4/2022 11:32:55 PM

If you have any other simple solution you can let me know. No need to develop software for this project, just the prototype will be submitted. Please let me know the fee for this assignment?


3/4/2022 11:32:46 PM

Please find the attached assignment paper, I need your to help to get the final report. Our solution is an e-commerce marketplace, that will allow small shops within the country to sell their products online without having a website. This solution allows its user to select an item from any shops in the nearby locality and place them for instant delivery to their house.

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