Issues connected with globalisation of business environment

Assignment Help International Economics
Reference no: EM132303354

Assignment Purpose:
The purpose of the poster is to present a piece of work that tutors and fellow students can easily view which can stimulate an exchange of ideas between the presenter and the audience. A poster is different from a paper or a talk, so distinct techniques need to be employed in preparation.

Assignment Instructions:
For this assignment you need chose a multinational organisation and create an academic poster covering the module learning outcomes listed below, you will also be required to attend a poster presentation event where you will be expected to discuss your poster with your tutor.

Section 1

Discuss the different types of organisations and their purpose

For this show your understanding (briefly) of the different types of organisations (legal structure); also detail the purpose of organisations (e.g. for profit, not for profit)

Identify the type of organisation you have chosen and explain its purpose

Detail the type of organisation, purpose (possible suggestion - check for the Mission Statement of the company too).

Ensure that you actually take much time to carry out applied research here, do the reading, ensure your sources are academic, place them in the reference list and include citations (this is extremely important)

Remember, this is a poster, not an essay or report, ensure you put this information together as a poster should be. As detailed previously, The purpose of the poster is to present a piece of work that tutors and fellow students can easily view which can stimulate an exchange of ideas between the presenter and the audience. A poster is different from a paper or a talk, so distinct techniques need to be employed in preparation.

Section 2

Discuss issues connected with globalisation of the business environment; explain how they shape business activities

For this, detail a range of challenges associated with that of globalisation (briefly - do not be descriptive); detail how globalisation has changed/shaped business activities today

Discuss the impact of globalisation and national environments including developed and developing countries has on your chosen organisation
What impact has globalisation had specifically on your chosen business (support what you say, do research);

What impact have national environments had specifically on your chosen business (support what you say, do research);

Include at least one example of a developing country in which your organisation operates and the impact this has (you will need to research this - consider official listings from official sources)

Include at least one example of a developed country in which your organisation operates and the impact this has (you will need to research this - consider official listings from official sources)

Explain at least 2 theories of globalisation; link them to your chosen organisation

Choose two theories of globalisation from these possible three: CAGE; Global Value Chain; The Eclectic Paradigm

Apply the two chosen theories of globalisation directly and specifically to your chosen organisation

Ensure that you actually take much time to carry out applied research here, do the reading, ensure your sources are academic, place them in the reference list and include citations (this is extremely important)
Remember, this is a poster, not an essay or report, ensure you put this information together as a poster should be. As detailed previously, The purpose of the poster is to present a piece of work that tutors and fellow students can easily view which can stimulate an exchange of ideas between the presenter and the audience. A poster is different from a paper or a talk, so distinct techniques need to be employed in preparation.

Section 3

Use a range of analyses to illustrate the way in which the market forces shape the decisions organises make

For this it is suggested that you simply detail what PESTLE and Porter's Five Forces Analysis is and why they are classed as models relating to that of market forces (be brief with this)

Illustrate the way in which market forces shape organisational responses complete a PESTLE or a PORTERS analysis for your chosen organisation

Apply the model you choose (you must only use one, not both) specifically to your chosen organisation. For example, if using PESTEL, for P (Political) do research on the politics which affects your chosen organisation in one of the countries it operates in - ensure you carry out research on this in order to possibly gain more marks

Ensure that you actually take much time to carry out applied research here, do the reading, ensure your sources are academic, place them in the reference list and include citations (this is extremely important)

Remember, this is a poster, not an essay or report, ensure you put this information together as a poster should be. As detailed previously, The purpose of the poster is to present a piece of work that tutors and fellow students can easily view which can stimulate an exchange of ideas between the presenter and the audience. A poster is different from a paper or a talk, so distinct techniques need to be employed in preparation.

Section 4

Compare economic systems and their underlying principles

Key tip - command word here is ‘compare'

Briefly detail the economic systems (Command; Free enterprise; Mixed; Transitional)

Identify the distinguishing features of different economic systems and how they impact on international business for your chosen organisation.

Do research on a country (or some countries) that your chosen organisation operates in - purposely choose at least two countries that are very different to each other and have different economic systems - this will allow you to make some contrast; detail how the type of economic system impacts on your chosen organisation.

Attachment:- Assessment.rar

Verified Expert

A poster design discusses the market positioning of Alibaba in South East Asia with economic tools of analysis such as the Eclectic Paradigm, Porter’s Five Force analysis and appropriate market based justifications in support of the tremendous business growth prospect of the company in a mobile and internet friendly region of the world.

Reference no: EM132303354

Questions Cloud

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Why is a society devoid of crime an impossibility : Why is a society devoid of crime an impossibility? What are the functional consequences of crime and deviance?
Discuss how ethical concerns were addressed : Discuss how ethical concerns were addressed and acknowledges the limitations of the study.
Explain social movements and the various types : Examine the purpose of social movements and social advocates for social change in society. Explain social movements, the various types.
Issues connected with globalisation of business environment : Discuss issues connected with globalisation of the business environment; explain how they shape business activities - Discuss the impact of globalisation
According to angela davis what is her definition of feminis : What does Angela Davis mean when she says "freedom in s constant struggle?" How are you struggling for freedom?
How do these institutions create gendered boys and girls : How do these institutions "create" gendered boys and girls? Give examples whenever appropriate in your discussion.
How successful has the achievement of this outcome been : How successful has the achievement of this outcome been to its mission to "meet the needs of the world's poorest" (1)?
What extent our intuitions of right and wrong : Determine whether and to what extent our intuitions of right and wrong, in the form of principles of action, can be incorporated into a unified moral theory.


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