Issue using the rogerian style of argumentation

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131032131


Think about a national or international issue that matters to you and write your own speech for that issue, using the Rogerian style of argumentation. How would you win over the other side?

Reference no: EM131032131

Questions Cloud

Develop a strategy to communicate statistical results : Which of the 3 examples that you included are the best in your opinion for communicating information regarding the current initiative to your staff and upper management?
Essay about the consequences of gender stratification : All societies use gender as a means of stratification. write an essay about the consequences of this gender stratification.
Determine the vertical distance : The bucket has a weight of 80 lb and is being hoisted using three springs, each having an unstretched length of 0 = 1.5 ft and stiffness of K=50 lb/. Determine the vertical distance d from the rim to point A for equilibrium.
Allowable distance required for equilibrium : If the ring remains in the horizontal plane and the tension in each cable is not allowed to exceed 1 KN, determine the smallest allowable distance required for equilibrium.
Issue using the rogerian style of argumentation : Think about a national or international issue that matters to you and write your own speech for that issue, using the Rogerian style of argumentation. How would you win over the other side?
Develop strategies to help cope with this uncertain future : Drawing on the literature you have reviewed; provide a discussion and conclusion as to how an organisation of your choice can develop strategies to help it cope with this ‘uncertain future'
Estimating the tension cable : The thin ring can be adjusted vertically between three equally long cables from which the 100-kg chandelier is suspended. If the ring remains in the horizontal plane and z = 600 mm, determine the tension in each cable.
Discuss who formulates the project management plan : Discuss who formulates the project management plan, what are its contents, who approves it, and how and when it is implemented?


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