Issue of strategic importance to that audience

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13230188

1. Choose an emerging trend that has been published on a trend website, in the newspaper or some other publication.

2. Choose an audience and an issue of strategic importance to that audience.

3. Analyse the trend, analysing it using concepts & frameworks you have learned in the lectures and tutorials so far this semester.

Some frameworks that might be useful here:
W1 - Foresight Concepts
W2 - Foresight and change
W4 - S curve, sources, reliability,
W5 - The Question and the Audience? The data, Model/Test/Analysis/Theory (what is really going on)? Am I a turkey? What is the pattern (based on what assumptions)?

Counter-trends, Megatrends

W6 - Significance - why should I care?


Reference no: EM13230188

Questions Cloud

What is meant by the level of threshold service : What is meant by the level of threshold service of a least-cost system.
Write a business report : Write a business report - draw on examples from other companies, to help produce a persuasive, well-supported, well-referenced, and robust defence of your position.
Why do human resource objectives essential for the company : Why do human resource objectives essential for the company to succeed?
Write a method, insertat, that takes four parameters : write a method, insertAt, that takes four parameters: an array of integers; the length of the array; an integer, say insertItem; and an interger, say, index.
Issue of strategic importance to that audience : Choose an emerging trend that has been published on a trend website, in the newspaper or some other publication and choose an audience and an issue of strategic importance to that audience
Write a program that uses a recursive method for palindome : palindome is a string that reads the same both forward and backward. For example,the string "madam" is a palindrome. write a program that uses a recursive method to check whether a string is a palindome.
Critically discuss the major ethical issues : Critically discuss the major ethical issues raised by the AWB scandal. You are required to make references to the unit materials and need to do scholar research to support your discussion.
Analyse the australian car manufacturing industry : Analyse the Australian car manufacturing industry by performing a 5 forces analysis and a life cycle analysis.
What cryptographic techniques would be used : Alice's Remanufactured Auto Parts is located in St. Louis, Missouri. Due to the popularity of the lowered price and high quality of remanufactured parts, Alice wants to expand operations to the World Wide Web.


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