Isom database assignment

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13780447


You are provided with a case which will be used for the assignments dealing with design and implementation of database. The purpose it to help translate material covered in class to a case that introduces you to some of the complexities of real world scenario.
For this assignment -- you are instructed to use only two specific items from the case (both of which are included in this document):
part 1
1. the lists you are required to create are clearly marked in a red box. Using MS-Excel, create the separate lists for Figure PAS-1. The information that needs to be stored in each list,  All the lists should be on a single worksheet. Name the worksheet Design Bid

a. Each list should contain appropriate column names.

b. Enter the data provided for the two different Design Bids samples into each list (provided below).

2.All the lists should be on a single worksheet. Name the worksheet Production Plan

a. List should contain appropriate column names.

b. Enter the data provided for the Production Plan below.

Part 2

3. For Design Bid
On a worksheet named Design Bid Themes

a. For each list from Part 1

i. For each list: show the list from Part 1 with only the column names

ii. For each list: identify all the different themes.

 Name each theme appropriately

 Include the columns included in that theme.

Note: a column must not repeat in two different themes.

 Include only two rows of data from Part 1 under each theme. Only when two rows of data is not available, include only one row.

4. For Production Plan List On a worksheet named Production Plan Themes

a. For each list from Part 1

i. For each list: show the list from Part 1 with only the column names

ii. For each list: identify all the different themes.

 Name each theme appropriately

 Include the columns included in that theme.

Note: a column must not repeat in two different themes.

 Include only two rows of data from Part 1 under each theme. Only when two rows of data is not available, include only one row.

Part 3

5. Convert all the themes from Design Bid List into Tables

a. Introduce additional columns as necessary

b. Include the rows of data in each table

c. Show reference arrows for columns

6. Convert all the themes from Production Plan List into Tables

a. Introduce additional columns as necessary

b. Include the rows of data in each table

c. Show reference arrows for columns

Reference no: EM13780447

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