Reference no: EM133161902
1. Using the ISD process, compare and outline at least two strengths and weaknesses for each of the ISD stages and the proposals
2. Referencing the proposals shared by the vendors, select four learning objectives that you believe can be achieved (two from each proposal). Identify the performance, condition, and criterion for each objective. If a component is missing, what would you include to complete the objective?
3. Take into consideration the length of the course, the training methods and the deliverables promised, compare the two proposals for these elements. Identify which proposal best meets the training delivery needs, support your answer?
4. Compare the training effectiveness measures each company have proposed and analyze against best practices identified in the course textbook. Which vendor's approach do you think is best and why? Support your answers with facts from each proposal and content from the textbook?
5. Using the rating scheme that follows on the next page, place an 'X' in the cell that corresponds with your rating of each proposal across the criteria listed down the side of each table. Total up the ratings and enter that number in the last row of each table ('Total Score'). For example, if you rated each criteria a '5' for ACME, place an 'X' in the column labelled '5' and the number '30' (6 criteria x 5 = 30) in the cell to the right of the words 'Total Score' at the bottom of the table.
Once you have completed rating the two vendor proposals, use your rating scheme to inform your recommendation to your Director, HR. Write up your recommendation and support it with examples from your analysis of vendor RFPs