Discuss the role of religious dissent

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM13228265

Answer the following questions:

1. What factors turned England's Chesapeake colony of Virginia from stark failure to brilliant success?

2. Discuss the role of religious dissent in founding of the first New England colonies and in stimulating the creation of others.

3. Compare and contrast William Penn's policy with respect to Indian tribes with the policies of other English settlers, in the Chesapeake and New England, and with the policies of the Spanish, the French, and the Dutch.

4. What were the principal causes of colonial violence and warfare of the late seventeenth century?

Reference no: EM13228265

Questions Cloud

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Discuss the role of religious dissent : What factors turned England's Chesapeake colony of Virginia from stark failure to brilliant success? Discuss the role of religious dissent in founding of the first New England colonies and in stimulating the creation of others.
Discuss the roles played by the rising merchant class : Discuss the roles played by the rising merchant class, the new monarchies, Renaissance humanism and the Reformation in the development of European colonialism. Define a "frontier of inclusion." In what ways does this description apply to the Spanish ..
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Spread across two continents : If the Indian peoples came from Asia, as most of the evidence suggests, then what is the best explanation for how and when they arrived and how they spread across two continents?


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