Is this primarily a contrast or a comparison essay

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Reference no: EM131238460

Attached is a peer-review worksheet. After reading the worksheet, do you have any suggestions? Are all the questions on the peer review form clear (to someone who is taking this class)? If not, explain.

Are there any other questions you would add to the peer-review form based on what you think would want to know about their essays? If so, what?

Based on the questions asked on the peer-review form, what benefit do you think you would get out of doing this assignment?

Your answers should be around 150 words minimum.

Peer Review Questions:

1. In your opinion is this primarily a contrast or a comparison essay? Is the essay an informative analysis or a persuasive essay? Explain. Is it primarily organized point by point or block?

2. Is the introduction attention grabbing? Why or why not? Does the introduction specify clearly what is to be compared and/or contrasted?

3. What is the thesis statement of the essay? Is it located at the end of the introduction? Are you confused at all about the author's main idea and/or the reasons the author uses to support that position/main idea? (For a persuasive essay, the writer should state the position in the thesis statement. For an analysis essay, the student should state a main idea in the thesis statement).

4. Do the body paragraphs seem well detailed? What suggestions would you make about adding/subtracting specific examples and/or academic source material to help show the writer's comparison and/or contrast?

5. Has the author given you something to think about or do you think that the argument or the analysis the author presents is predictable? Explain.

6. There are many ways to organize the essay. For example, a persuasive essay can contrast the two positions for the first part of the essay and save all of the persuasion until the end OR it can be organized more like the "milk" student sample, where the essay persuades all the way through. The same for analysis- the essay can save most of the analysis to the end after pointing out similarities and/or differences in the first part of the essay. Or the analysis can be made all the way through. Usually, the essay will save the persuasion or analysis to the end. But, EITHER WAY is fine. However, the key thing to consider is this- look at the main idea or position stated in the thesis statement and answer one of the relevant following questions depending on whether or not the essay is intended as a persuasion or an analysis.

a. If the essay is intended as a persuasive essay, does the writer spend enough time persuading the reader of that position? Explain.

b. If the essay is intended as an analysis essay, does the writer spend enough time offering and supporting the main idea as stated in the thesis statement. Explain.

c. If your peer's essay does not state a position or main idea in the thesis statement, then perhaps they have only pointed out similarities and/or differences. But that is not enough. There needs to be a main point of some kind made about the differences or similarities. If you suspect that your peer has not really offered a position or main idea, explain some possible options for your peer based on his or her draft.

7. Is source material integrated into the essay, meaning that there are no dropped quotes and that any source material either paraphrased or quoted is smoothly included and it's always clear what point that source material is supporting. If not, explain and/or give examples where the source material is dropped in and/or its purpose is not clear. (Review the "Don't be a stork" paragraph that I posted for help answering this question.)

8. Are there intext citations for all source material. Based on your understanding is the right information included in the intext citation. Does every source on the References list correspond to at least one intext citation? If not, which source?

9. What have you learned about your own writing through the reading and reviewing of this essay?

10. While reading this essay, what did you learn about the topic this essay examines?

11. Has the author avoided informal language, cliches and unneeded personal pronouns such as using "I" other than to write about something the author has experienced or witnessed? Has the author avoided referring to groups of people as "you" or "we"?

12. What do you admire about this piece of writing?

13. What would improve this essay most?

Attached is the Leader Style Draft and peer review form.

Attachment:- Leadership Style- Draft.rar

Attachment:- Peer Review Form for Compare.rar

Reference no: EM131238460

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