Is this car free because the winner pays zero for it

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM131099470

Suppose a chocolate bar manufacture promotes its products by advertising and opportunity to win a "free car". Is this car free because the winner pays zero for it?

Reference no: EM131099470

Questions Cloud

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Question regarding the uniform probability : Consider a spinner that, after a spin, will point to a number between zero and 1 with "uniform probability". Determine the probability: P(1⁄6 ≤ X ≤ 19⁄42).
To which point or points is production likely to shift : To which point or points is production likely to shift?
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Computing the standard deviation : A company performs quality control on its 16oz juice bottles. It is found that the mean volume of these bottles is 16 with a standard deviation of 0.09. Whats range would you find 96% of these bottles.
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Why is the slope of the production possibilities frontier : How might a critic respond to the claim that taxes always make the allocation of resources less efficient?


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