Is this a case of poor communication or micromanagement

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133334159

Case Study: Poor Communication or Micromanagement? You are the supervisor of the clerical/administrative staff for a Nursing Unit of 32 patients. Each member of your staff reports to work at different times with an overlap of 1 hour between all of them. The new Assistant Nurse Manager (AN M) has begun having closed door meetings with the Nurse Manager (NM) to discuss your staff's role on the unit without you. In your meetings with the nurse manager. you ?nd out the ANM would like to redesign the role entirely so that it can be more accommodating to the Nursing staff. You are not included in these meetings and you only ?nd out about these meetings AFTER they have occurred. You have asked the NM to include you in the meetings in the future. This does not occur, and the reason given by the Nurse Manager is that the meetings are somewhat impromptu, and she is never sure when the staff role will be discussed. You text your mentor that you've known for 9 years that some things are going on at work that are upsetting to you. After a couple weeks, you are brought in to discuss the changes that will be put in place for your staff. The requested changes include duties you feel would fall under every employee's job duties. You also feel the ANM discusses the clerical staff in a demeaning manner. You feel slighted and dismissed after you raise your concerns to the ANM and NM. They both would like you to create a tracking tool and implement the requested changes. You decide to have a meeting with your staff to discuss the new changes and set guidelines and a time frame of when these changes should be implemented. After 2 days of the new duties, you receive feedback from your staff that they feel the ANM is micromanaging them. You ask the NM if you could meet to discuss the concerns of your staff, but the NM does not feel it is necessary and suggests that you are not being assertive enough with your staff.


1. Is this a case of poor communication or micromanagement?

2. Whom should you contact ?rst to discuss your concerns?

3. After you meet with the person you noted above, what should you do next?

4. How can a script help you with this meeting(s)?

5. Should you go to Human Resources (HR)? If yes, at what point, and what will you tell HR?

6. Do you think this can be ?xed or should you be updating your resume and looking fora newjob?

Reference no: EM133334159

Questions Cloud

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