Is there evidence to suggest house prices exceed unit prices

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM131682989


1. The answer to your assignment should be in the form of a business report.

2. Marks awarded will be based on presentation as well as the analysis.

3. The report will provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate proficiency in integrating statistical software SPSS, Mintab, KaddStat, Excel/PhStat with a word processor, Word. Note that you can easily import Minitab, KaddStat, SPSS, Excel/PhStat output to Word.

4. Your report must include:

a) An Executive Summary (100 to 150 words). In this section you summarize the main conclusions of the report in business language. It should also describe the primary purpose of the study, the general methodology used, the significant findings of each  section, as well as key general conclusions and recommendations.

b) A Table of Contents with page numbers

c) Business Problem as given in the question in business language.

d) Statistical problem using the language of statistics (i.e. methods you have used to do your analysis).

e) Analysis: This section should present the formulas and discuss the results from all the analyses conducted. Outline required steps and show necessary computer output. Clearly label tables and graphs.

f) General Conclusion: This section should briefly review the study, summarize the inference(s) stemming from it, and highlight the evidence supporting each inference. Where appropriate, indicate the limitations of the results. The conclusions should be written in business language and in terms of the variables under discussion.

g) Implications: bearing in mind why the study was undertaken, briefly describe the implications and consequences of the conclusions drawn. You should include your recommendations for action (based on what you have found in your study).

5. Write clearly and precisely. A precise report is a clear report, one that is composed of unambiguous statements. The word limit is 3000 words (excluding references).

The business report is based on the following case study.

A major Australian housing construction firm is planning its next major housing development in coastal New South Wales. Before committing to any new major developments the firm needs a thorough market analysis of different types of housing in target areas. ou have been contracted as a consultant to prepare a report analysing house and unit prices in Sydney, Wollongong and Newcastle.

The following data has been collected in Housing.xls:

Price - $

Type - house or unit

Region - Sydney, Wollongong, or Newcastle

Ocean View - yes or no

Your report should contain the following analyses:

1. Present appropriate descriptive statistics of your disaggregated data.

The following questions require the use of inferential statistical techniques:

2. Is there evidence to suggest house prices exceed unit prices?

3. Is there evidence to suggest houses with an ocean view display higher prices?

4. Is there evidence of a difference in house prices between Sydney, Wollongong and Newcastle?

5. Within Wollongong, do units with an ocean view display higher prices?

Attachment:- Data File.rar

Reference no: EM131682989

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Is there evidence to suggest house prices exceed unit prices : ECON940 - STATISTICS FOR DECISION MAKING PRESENTATION OF ASSIGNMENT. Is there evidence to suggest house prices exceed unit prices
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10/17/2017 1:50:08 AM

The answer to your assignment should be in the form of a business report. Marks awarded will be based on presentation as well as the analysis. The report will provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate proficiency in integrating statistical software SPSS, Mintab, KaddStat, Excel/PhStat with a word processor, Word. Note that you can easily import Minitab, KaddStat, SPSS, Excel/PhStat output to Word. If you have any queries on the assignment, please do not hesitate to contact your lecturer. More information on this assessment will be provided during the session time including the presentation of the assignment and submission to Turnitin. More information on this assessment will be provided during the session time including the resentation of the assignment and submission to Turnitin.


10/17/2017 1:50:02 AM

Correct identification, use and interpretation of statistical techniques. Appropriate interpretation of computer output. Overall, you are required to demonstrate the following knowledge and skills in this assessment: Demonstrate the use of visualising data in presentation of real world data. Demonstrate the use of statistical concepts/techniques in business data. Demonstrate how to conduct various hypothesis tests and regression analysis using computer software such as SPSS/Excel/KaddStat. Demonstrate the use of computer software to get necessary statistical output and Demonstrate the skills of preparation of a managerial report.


10/17/2017 1:49:55 AM

Business Report - Students are provided with a data set and a set of related questions they will need to answer by relying on the knowledge of statistical techniques and software acquired in class. In order to answer these questions students will need to prepare a business report, which will be marked by focusing both on the presentation and the rest (statistical analysis, output and interpretation). Specifically, the report will need to include the following sections: executive summary, table of contents, business problem, statistical problem, analysis, conclusion, implication. More detailed information wii be provided in class.

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