Is there an outlier of bmi among the children

Assignment Help Basic Statistics
Reference no: EM131160106

1. A study of 20 college students was conducted to see how many adults would have low bone mineral density, even at a younger age. Investigators wish to know what is the probability of having a bone mineral density score less than 2 units below the unknown mean bone mineral density (BMD) of the general college population country-wide. The standard deviation was measured to be 6.

Select one:

a. 0.57

b. 0.12

c. 0.07

d. 0.15

2. A study has been designed for two schools in IL to examine whether the BMI and fasting blood glucose for students in one schools is different than that for the other school. All students in each school will participate. This study is an example of what type of sampling technique?

Select one:

a. random

b. cluster

c. convenience

3. Gender, disease status, alive or dead . . . these are examples of what type of variable?

Select one:

a. Continuous Variables

b. Ordinal Variables

c. Dichotomous Variables

d. Categorical Variables

4. All of the patients at a sleep clinice were enrolled in a study. For the control population, family members and friends of the patients were asked to participate as well. The study aims to examine whether there are differences in biometric measures between the sleep clinic patients and this control population of friends and family. This study is an example of what type of sampling technique?

Select one:

a. random

b. cluster

c. convenience

5. A research study wishes to examine the proportion of hypertensive individuals among three different groups of exercises: marathon runners, yoga, and CrossFit. Of the 78 marathon runners, 14 are hypertensive. Of the 63 yoga practioners, 6 are hypertensive. And there are 16 hypertensive subjects among the 54 CrossFit athletes. What is the critical value for the test statistic? (e.g. what number are you hoping to beat in order to show a significant finding)

Select one:

a. 1.96

b. 1.65

c. 5.99

d. 4.83

6. Age, income, height, weight, blood pressure . . . these are examples of what type of variable?

Select one:

a. Continuous Variables

b. Ordinal Variables

c. Dichotomous Variables

d. Categorical Variables

7. A research study of 15 children with a diagnosis of ADHD wish to assess whether the BMI of the children is correlated with degrees of hyperactivity in the child. The BMI of the 15 children in a study: 22, 23, 25, 24, 18, 27, 26, 29, 28, 31, 32, 28, 33, 28, 34. What is the standard deviation of the children?

Select one:

a. 5.21

b. 3.78

c. 4.42

d. 6.03

8. A clinical trial investigating a new cholesterol-lowering medication aims to identify whether it is any more effective than the current market favorite drug. This type of study uses what kind of statistics:

Select one:

a. Descriptive

b. Inferential

9. A study sample was recruited to examine whether a smoking cessation program may be successful in the population. Of the 1200 individuals that were surveyed, 365 classified themselves as smokers. What is the 95% confidence interval for this study?

Select one:

a. (0.17,0.28)

b. (0.16,0.24)

c. (-0.16,-0.24)

d. (0.25,0.29)

e. (0.28,0.33)

10. There are 5290 children in a study. There are 2560 boys and 2730 girls. Of the 2560 boys, there are 432 five year olds, 379 six year olds, 501 seven year olds, 410 eight year olds, 420 nine year olds, 418 ten year olds. Of the 2730 girls, there are 408 five year olds, 513 six year olds, 412 seven year olds, 436 eight year olds, 461 nine year olds, 500 ten year olds. Of the whole population of boys and girls, there are 840 five year olds, 892 six year olds, 913 seven year olds, 846 eight year olds, 881 nine year olds, 918 ten year olds. What is the probability of selecting a boy who is 5, 6, or 7 years old?

Select one:

a. 16.9%

b. 24.8%

c. 32.1%

d. 51.3%

11. A research study wishes to examine the mean resting heart rate for 16 individuals among four different groups of exercises (evenly distributed to 4 individuals per group). What type of test statistic do you need to run for this type of analysis?

Select one:

a. Chi-Square Test of Independence

b. Chi-Square Goodness of Fit

c. Z-test

d. T-test

e. F-test

12. A research study wishes to examine the mean resting heart rate for 16 individuals among four different groups of exercises (evenly distributed to 4 individuals per group). The sum of the variability between groups is 792.69 and the sum of the variability within a group (error) is 207.75. Calculate the test statistic.

Select one:

a. 13.68

b. 14.55

c. 15.26

d. 15.98

13. When the AIDS epidemic first broke out, a series of cases were published regarding rare syndromes and diseases not usually seen in the general population. These case studies included symptoms, dates, and general background information on the patients including gender, age, and ethnicity. This type of study uses what kind of statistics:

Select one:

a. Descriptive

b. Inferential

14. A research study of 15 children with a diagnosis of ADHD wish to assess whether the BMI of the children is correlated with degrees of hyperactivity in the child. The BMI of the 15 children in a study: 22, 23, 25, 24, 18, 27, 26, 29, 28, 31, 32, 28, 33, 28, 34. What is the median BMI of the children?

Select one:

a. 27.3

b. 28.0

c. 29.0

d. 24.5

15. A weight loss clinic with 250 clients reported an annual mean loss of 24.5 pounds with a standard deviation of 6.3. What is the 95% Confidence Interval?

Select one:

a. (23.72,25.28)

b. (24.21,26.72)

c. (21.23,24.22)

d. (-21.23,-24.22)

e. (-24.21,-26.72)

16. A research study of 15 children with a diagnosis of ADHD wish to assess whether the BMI of the children is correlated with degrees of hyperactivity in the child. The BMI of the 15 children in a study: 22, 23, 25, 24, 18, 27, 26, 29, 28, 31, 32, 28, 33, 28, 34. What is the mean BMI of the children?

Select one:

a. 27.3

b. 28.0

c. 29.0

d. 24.5

17. A research study wishes to examine the proportion of hypertensive individuals among three different groups of exercises: marathon runners, yoga, and CrossFit. Of the 78 marathon runners, 14 are hypertensive. Of the 63 yoga practioners, 6 are hypertensive. And there are 16 hypertensive subjects among the 54 CrossFit athletes. What type of test statistic do you need to run for this type of analysis?

Select one:

a. Chi-Square Test of Independence

b. Chi-Square Goodness of Fit

c. Z-test

d. T-test

e. F-test

18. A research study of 15 children with a diagnosis of ADHD wish to assess whether the BMI of the children is correlated with degrees of hyperactivity in the child. The BMI of the 15 children in a study: 22, 23, 25, 24, 18, 27, 26, 29, 28, 31, 32, 28, 33, 28, 34. What is the mode of BMI of the children?

Select one:

a. 27.3

b. 28.0

c. 29.0

d. 24.5

19. A research study of 15 children with a diagnosis of ADHD wish to assess whether the BMI of the children is correlated with degrees of hyperactivity in the child. The BMI of the 15 children in a study: 22, 23, 25, 24, 18, 27, 26, 29, 28, 31, 32, 28, 33, 28, 34. What is the 25th quartile of BMI of the children?

Select one:

a. 27.3

b. 28.0

c. 29.0

d. 24.5

20. There are 5290 children in a study. There are 2560 boys and 2730 girls. Of the 2560 boys, there are 432 five year olds, 379 six year olds, 501 seven year olds, 410 eight year olds, 420 nine year olds, 418 ten year olds. Of the 2730 girls, there are 408 five year olds, 513 six year olds, 412 seven year olds, 436 eight year olds, 461 nine year olds, 500 ten year olds. Of the whole population of boys and girls, there are 840 five year olds, 892 six year olds, 913 seven year olds, 846 eight year olds, 881 nine year olds, 918 ten year olds. What is the probability of selecting a 9 year old?

Select one:

a. 33.7%

b. 18.2%

c. 23.5%

d. 16.7%

21. The average number of motor vehicle accidents on any given day is 96 in the country. Across the nation, 36 different cities were polled, and the average number of motor vehicle accidents on any given day is 87 (standard deviation is 16). Are there significantly fewer car accidents in Pleasantville compared to the national average? Calculate the z, t, or chi-square test and choose the value in the answer below.

Select one:

a. -3.97

b. -4.16

c. -4.29

d. -3.38

22. A research study wishes to examine the proportion of hypertensive individuals among three different groups of exercises: marathon runners, yoga, and CrossFit. Of the 78 marathon runners, 14 are hypertensive. Of the 63 yoga practioners, 6 are hypertensive. And there are 16 hypertensive subjects among the 54 CrossFit athletes.

Select one:

a. 6.98

b. 7.83

c. 6.23

d. 8.75

23. A research study wishes to examine the mean resting heart rate for 16 individuals among four different groups of exercises (evenly distributed to 4 individuals per group). What is the critical value?

Select one:

a. 2.78

b. 3.97

c. 4.26

d. 3.49

24. The average post-challenge glucose level for women with gestational diabetes is 170 (standard deviation = 16). Investigators are interested in whether a sample of 30 pregnant women under the age of 29 years old have a significantly lower post-challenge glucose level compared to the national average. The sample of 30 pregnant women in the study yielded a mean post-challenge glucose level of 168. What is the probability that a study subject will get a post-challenge glucose level less than 168?

Select one:

a. 0.53

b. 0.25

c. 0.31

d. 0.42

25. A research study examined the cholesterol levels in two groups, intervention versus placebo, to see whether consuming more salmon in the diet would make a difference on cholesterol levels. The mean cholesterol level of the 60 people in the placebo group was 240 with a SD of 20. The 60 people in the salmon consumption group had a mean cholesterol level of 210 with a SD of 21. Calculate the z, t, or chi-square test and choose the value in the answer below.

Select one:

a. 6.91

b. 7.23

c. 8.01

d. 5.38

26. A research study of 15 children with a diagnosis of ADHD wish to assess whether the BMI of the children is correlated with degrees of hyperactivity in the child. The BMI of the 15 children in a study: 22, 23, 25, 24, 18, 27, 26, 29, 28, 31, 32, 28, 33, 28, 34. What is the mean BMI of the children?

Select one:

a. 27.3

b. 28.0

c. 29.0

d. 24.5

27. Depression severity, pain severity, cancer staging . . . these are examples of what type of variable?

Select one:

a. Continuous Variables

b. Ordinal Variables

c. Dichotomous Variables

d. Categorical Variables

28. A research study examined the effects of meditation on quality of sleep. Fifty individuals were asked how many nights, on average, they lost sleep at the beginning of the study. Then all fifty individuals were placed into a meditation intervention every day for three months. At the end of the three months, the same fifty individuals were asked how many sleepless nights they had on average. The mean difference between the before and after intervention groups was 5.6 nights, with a standard deviation of 5. Calculate the z, t, or chi-square test and choose the value in the answer below.

Select one:

a. 6.15

b. 7.92

c. 8.23

d. 7.21

29. A research study of 15 children with a diagnosis of ADHD wish to assess whether the BMI of the children is correlated with degrees of hyperactivity in the child. The BMI of the 15 children in a study: 22, 23, 25, 24, 18, 27, 26, 29, 28, 31, 32, 28, 33, 28, 34. What is the 75th quartile of BMI of the children?

Select one:

a. 28

b. 30

c. 34

d. 27

30. There are 5290 children in a study. There are 2560 boys and 2730 girls. Of the 2560 boys, there are 432 five year olds, 379 six year olds, 501 seven year olds, 410 eight year olds, 420 nine year olds, 418 ten year olds. Of the 2730 girls, there are 408 five year olds, 513 six year olds, 412 seven year olds, 436 eight year olds, 461 nine year olds, 500 ten year olds. Of the whole population of boys and girls, there are 840 five year olds, 892 six year olds, 913 seven year olds, 846 eight year olds, 881 nine year olds, 918 ten year olds. What is the probability of selecting a girl among all those who are 5, 6, or 7 years old?

Select one:

a. 48.8%

b. 50.4%

c. 36.7%

d. 25.2%

31. A study wished to examine the resting heart rate of two different types of athletes, those who use mainly anaerobic techniques and those who use aerobic techniques. The first group contained 400 weight lifters who had a mean resting heart rate of 65 bpm with a standard deviation of 12 bpm. The second group contained 400 long distance runners who had a mean resting heart rate of 57 rpm and a standard deviation of 9 rpm. What is the 95% CI around the difference in resting heart rate between the two groups. Use Group 1 - Group 2 to get a positive difference (not a negative differencE) between resting heart rates.

Select one:

a. (2.34,4.35)

b. (1.47,6.53)

c. (3.45,5.67)

d. (1.53,4.35)

e. (4.15,6.25)

32. A research study of 15 children with a diagnosis of ADHD wish to assess whether the BMI of the children is correlated with degrees of hyperactivity in the child. The BMI of the 15 children in a study: 22, 23, 25, 24, 18, 27, 26, 29, 28, 31, 32, 28, 33, 28, 34. Is there an outlier of BMI among the children?

Select one:

a. yes

b. no

c. not enough information to tell

33. A new investigational drug for restless leg syndrom is to be tested in three cities. Individuals at hospitals, clincis, and medical practices that are being seens for RLS are chosen to participate based on a computer algorithm that selects patient phone numbers. This study is an example of what type of sampling technique?

Select one:

a. random

b. cluster

c. convenience

34. A research study examined the effects of a new drug versus an old drug on hypertension. There were 172 people enrolled in the new drug trial, and 125 of them were hypertensive. For the old drug, 165 people were enrolled and of those, 76 were hypertensive. Was there a difference in the percentage of people who were hypertensive between the new drug and the old drug? Calculate the z, t, or chi-square test and choose the value in the answer below.

Select one:

a. 4.98

b. 5.36

c. 4.17

d. 5.89

35. Ethnicity, marital status, language, type of diet . . . these are examples of what type of variable?

Select one:

a. Continuous Variables

b. Ordinal Variables

c. Dichotomous Variables

d. Categorical Variables

36. A sleep clinic sees 10 new patients a day. Approximately 45% of patients are diagnosed with sleep apnea. What is the probability that 4 of the patients will be diagnosed with sleep apnea?

Select one:

a. 0.52

b. 0.12

c. 0.36

d. 0.24

Reference no: EM131160106

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