Reference no: EM132258047
Assignment -
Writing the report
1. You should start your report by detailing the reason for performing an EDA detailing parametric assumptions justified by referenced sources and then further explain what specific inferential statistical tests will be appropriate to answer the chosen research question including appropriate post hoc tests. Fully explain and justify your decision using support from references.
2. Your task is then to perform EDA and the interpretative statistics and any post hoc tests you identified in the previous section (output is placed in the appendix). You will write a short and clearly articulated summary of the findings. At this stage you should also include the effect size of the analysis and explain the strength of the statistical design you have chosen, to demonstrate how confident you are in the results from significance testing. You should also try to include a brief discussion on the magnitude of the effects and other available statistical methods such as confidence intervals.
3. You should present your results, using appropriate figures and tables (not copied from SPSS output).
Appendix - You should provide an example of all statistical output in your appendix.
Scenario 1 -
Description of Research - There are 4 participants who take part in the experiment, each participant has to analyse his own short video replays and then answer on the question with one word yes or no.
Research Question - Is there a relationship between "YES" and "NO" answers?
Data File - Locate the file Scenario 1.
Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar