Is there a measure that may allow us to evaluate this

Assignment Help Managerial Economics
Reference no: EM13976896

Are some stocks less sensitive to market/systematic factors (recession, depression, war, etc.) than others? Provide some examples.Is there a measure that may allow us to evaluate this? How would we use it?

The factors that are used to determine the market interest rate on the bond are:

1. The Risk Free Rate
2. The Default-risk Premium
3. The liquidity Premium
4. The market Risk premium

What are these items, and how do they interact to arrive at the quoted interest rate. 

Reference no: EM13976896

Questions Cloud

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Is there a measure that may allow us to evaluate this : What are these items, and how do they interact to arrive at the quoted interest rate.
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Purchasing power parity theory predicts : The purchasing power parity theory "predicts" that if the price of semiconductors in the United States is $3 and the price in Japan is 210 yen for a comparable semiconductor, the exchange rate would be
Measurements-the future : Describe measurement methods for industry drivers. Why is measurement important to companies and industries? Some examples of uses of measurements are listed here:


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