Reference no: EM13814950
Part 1:
What are the most serious aspects to global climate change in your opinion? What data do you find most and least compelling?
What do you think are feasible solutions to global climate change, if any (e.g., carbon banks , manufacturing plant emissions upgrades, reducing vehicle emissions, etc.?
Is the United States doing enough to reduce carbon emissions?
Will the recent Copenhagen Climate Conference do anything to slow global climate change?
Do you agree with President Obama's proposed commitments during the Copenhagen Climate Conference?
Part 2- website on cloning technology
Is genetic engineering fundamentally different than traditional plant and livestock breeding? Does that matter?
What is your opinion on creating, growing, and consuming genetically modified plants (GMOs)?
What is your opinion about using genetic engineering to develop "better" farm animals?
Can genetic technology offer a solution to world food shortages (an environmental problem)? Part 3
APA Format answer all questions in 250 Words.
Part 3- website on cloning technology
Choose a success story related to the environment utilizing at least one reference source. Include these areas in your discussion in sufficient detail:
Background to the success story
Summary of the success
Application of the success to other environmental issues or problems