Is the stock of the company overvalued or undervalued

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM131405303

Assignment: Technical Analysis and Enterprise Value Ratios

Instructions & Recommendations

The purpose of this note is to carefully explain the general expectations and requirements for the Technical Analysis and Enterprise Value Ratios Valuation Assignment that is to be prepared. The information and materials presented here are intended to make sure that you clearly understand the general expectations and that there are no misunderstandings about what is to be done and what is expected.

Please review this material so that you are familiar with the specific requirements that are be followed in the preparation and submission of the Assignment.

1. Using at least 6 commonly used indicators, conduct a Technical Analysis of the common stock of Cathay General Bancorp (CATY). Explain the purpose and how to interpret each of the indicators.

Then, explain what each of the indicators suggest about the value of the company's stock now and in the future.

2. Prepare an analysis of Enterprise Value (and the EV/EBITDA ratio). Report the results of both analyses and explain what they mean?

3. Based on all of the indicators, is the stock of the company overvalued or undervalued?

Required Outline & Other Information about the Assignments -

1. Work Hard to Avoid Personal Pronouns - The excessive use of personal pronouns is discouraged in business and analytical writing. It is recommended that personal pronouns are avoided altogether, if possible. Please make sure that personal pronouns (e.g., I, we, my, our, etc.) are avoided in paper. It will take some work, but it can be done easily by rearranging the wording of sentences.

2. Companies Are Not "They," "Their," or "Them" - This is a reminder that a company is not a "they," "their," or "them." A company is very much an "it." So, to reference a company, use "it," the name of the company, or "the company," or "the organization," or "the firm," etc.

3. Outline for Paper - Must use the required outline for this assignment. The closer that the paper conforms to the required outline, the better! The outline is presented in the next section.

4. Subheadings - Each section of the paper must begin with a sub-heading. Please use the sub-headings included in the required outline (presented in the next section).

Here is the Required Outline (It must be used for each Assignment) -

The five class Assignments are intended to be constructive learning experiences. They are designed to show students how to prepare analytical reports in finance using critical thinking, research, and writing skills. The following outline is to be used for each Assignment; these titles are the required subheadings for the sections of the written report:

1. Cover Page - Include a cover page containing the title of the Assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date.

2. Introduction - The Introduction must include:

(a) A review of the Assignment purpose, research methods and the principal information sources, and other information related to the completion of the analysis.

(b) The introduction should also include an overview of the sections of the paper that follow. (1/2 to 1 page)

3. Analysis Section - The body of the report is to address the assigned topics and questions. It is essential that students include appropriate in-text reference citations in APA format:

4. Summary / Conclusion - The summary or conclusion should review the major observations, conclusions and recommendations developed in the analysis. No new material should be introduced in this section. (1/2 to 1 page)

6. References - Provide list of references in APA format.

Reference no: EM131405303

Questions Cloud

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