Is the source an acknowledged authority on the resources

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Reference no: EM132428564 , Length: word count:-4000

Identify and analyze one resource that provides information regarding services for dealing with and treating substance use and abuse. Write a 4,000 word paper which discusses the availability of the services, the requirements for accessing those services, and the human service professionals involved in the service setting.

  • Proper APA format (6th ed.) is required. If you choose to expand beyond the resource located for this assignment and utilize supporting materials, then the use of peer-reviewed, scholarly journal article3s is also a requirement.

Benchmark the service chosen against these standards :

Question 1: Is the source an acknowledged authority on the resources?

Question 2: Does the source provide detailed information about services and professionals involved in services?

Question 3: What type of information is there on requirements for accessing services?

Question 4: Is there information about the number of people served, and what type of people?

Question 5: Who is sponsoring the website?

Question 6: In your opinion, is the available service adequate for treating the needs of the group to be served? Why or why not?

Question 7: What other professionals might need to be involved in the service setting to make the service more effective?

Reference no: EM132428564

Questions Cloud

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Is the source an acknowledged authority on the resources : What type of information is there on requirements for accessing services?Is there information about the number of people served, and what type of people?
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The topic of addiction and obtain facilitator approval : Choose and research a movie that deals with the topic of addiction and obtain facilitator approval. In what way did the addiction affect work and relationships?


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