Is the natural world present in your building

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133536411

Children at the Center: Reflective Teachers at Work

Think back to a favorite childhood memory. Try to get a clear picture of what it looked and felt like. Then, write a list of words that capture the memory. Describe the sensations, emotions, environment, people, and sense of time.

As you share your memories with others, consider these a resource for thinking about the experience you offerchildren in your program or the program you wish to work at in the future.

  • Is the natural world present in your building?
  • Are there indoor places for active bodies?
  • How are children encouraged to take risks?
  • What tools are children encouraged to use?
  • How are you providing for their individual and group identity to develop?
  • Are there changes you can make to give children a different experience of time in your program?

Reference no: EM133536411

Questions Cloud

How have you seen these verses played out in your own life : Choose one of these passages (or find another) and explain how it highlights the Biblical account for human dignity.
How do you see moses evidencing faith as a reasoning trust : Read Psalm 90, which was composed by Moses. How do you see Moses evidencing faith as "a reasoning trust, a trust which reckons thoughtfully.
Discuss the political climate influenced the theology : A Panoramic View of Missions from Pentecost to the Present, discuss how the political climate influenced the theology and mission of the 1st-century church.
How do feminist theologians identify : Why and how do feminist theologians identify and challenge "patriarchal" christologies?
Is the natural world present in your building : Is the natural world present in your building? Are there indoor places for active bodies? How are children encouraged to take risks?
What were the socioeconomic factors influencing your life : What were the socioeconomic factors influencing your life then and now? Tell us a little about why you are taking this class.
Does sex before marriage really matter : Does sex before marriage really matter? Ae children "groomed", educated, or indoctrinated by their parents into a specific religion?
How did the reading change the ideas about god : Thorpe how did the reading change the ideas about God and how did the reading strengthen the faith in God?
Does herakles seem like a hero of the greek or roman mold : Does Herakles seem like a hero of the Greek or Roman mold? Why? Do Thor, Baldr, and Hermod represent the same values as Beowulf?


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