Is sustained profitability a realistic prospect

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133187166

Read the business case Tesla's Strategy In 2019: Is Sustained Profitability a Realistic Prospect?. You are to assume the role of a consultant brought in to help Starbucks determine its next strategic steps. Consider the case facts from the perspectives of the topics we have covered in the course thus far.

(1) Problem or Opportunity - Describe the problem or opportunity in the case. What is happening, that needs to be addressed?

(2) Diagnose - What caused the problem or opportunity to exist (most of this is from the meat of the case)- this understanding frames the options you present and prescribed options.

(3) Prescription Options - Identify the possible solutions to the problem (or approaches to the opportunity). Most cases will have multiple solutions, which you will be asked to identify. Frame the Prescription Options with some pros and cons for each. This is the longest part of the memo. You should shoot for three possible solutions.

(4) Prescribe - Select what you consider the "best" solution to the problem and tell why. What are the initial steps of implementation? This is where you defend your logic to solve the problem to develop the opportunity.

Maximum three pages single-spaced in a memo format written to the decision-maker introduced in the case from you as the consultant (a business consultant hired to make a recommendation). It would help if you used bold headings for each of the four sections above to alert the reader. The decision-maker doesn't want to be hunting for the information. Make it easy to find in well-written sentences.

Reference no: EM133187166

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