Is shaming useful tool in reintegration programs

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Reference no: EM133354960

Imagine that the deputy mayor of your city contacts you to arrange a meeting to discuss how to reduce the number of inmates in local jails and prisons due to overcrowding. How would you respond? What plan would you put into place?

Organize your plan into the four parts noted below. Each part should address for your audience the details and questions below, and your response should have the characteristic of a proposal that presents a solution or answer to each question.

1. If you were given approval to hire additional probation and parole officers, what are some of the knowledge, skills, abilities, and dispositions you would look for in candidates? What kind of training would you recommend?

2. Is shaming a useful tool in reintegration programs? Why or why not?

3. How can labeling affect the criminal path of first-time offenders?

4. What diversion strategies could be used as alternatives for first-time offenders?

Reference no: EM133354960

Questions Cloud

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