Is proof for the existence of god necessary

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM13261052

Religion: Is proof for the existence of God necessary?

In philosophical papers, it is always best to present both sides of the issue (remember that there are usually more than two sides to any issue), and then to present the side that you find the most convincing. Remember to back up your position with logical reasoning and factual evidence. In addition, be sure to utilize the philosophical content and ideas that you have encountered in this course.

  1. Identify the specific issue.
  2. Make clear one basic dispute over this issue.
  3. Clarify the arguments on multiple sides of the issue.
  4. Structure an argument that supports the side of the issue you find to be better defended.
  5. Explain why you find that side of the debate superior.
  6. State your own view, and defend it with an argument.
  7. Provide at least two references for each side of the debate.
  8. Utilize the philosophical theories and ideas that you have encountered in this course as much as possible.

In order to write a strong paper, you will need to clearly and specifically present both sides of the debate using at least five academic sources in addition to the course text, three of which can be found in the JSTOR, or PROQUEST.

The paper must be six pages in length, formatted according to APA style, and include a title and a reference page (which does not count towards the page length). Support your point with examples from the text and at least five sources.

Writing the Final Argumentative Paper
The Final Paper:

  1. Must be six double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style.
  2. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
  3. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  4. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
  5. Must use at least five scholarly sources.
  6. Must document all sources in APA style.
  7. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style

Reference no: EM13261052

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Is proof for the existence of god necessary : Identify the specific issue, make clear one basic dispute over this issue and clarify the arguments on multiple sides of the issue.
What is the projects discounted payback period : What is the traditional payback period (PB) of a project that costs $450,000 if it is expected to generate $120,000 per year for five years? If the firms required rate if return is 11 percent, what is the projects discounted payback period (DPB)?
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What is the mass density of the metal : A certain piece of metal weighs 1.68 N in air and 0.82 N when submerged in water. What is the mass density of the metal (in g/cm3)
Find energy in ev of the emitted electrons from the surface : The photoelectric threshold wavelength for Tungsten is 2300 Å. Find the energy in eV of the emitted electrons from the surface by ultraviolet light of wavelength 1800 Å.


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