Is paul obligated honor this kind of employees request

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133369296


Case Type: Head case

Main subjects: Harrasment, Open-Door Policy, Trust

Who's Who:

Paul Bello, Purchasing Manager Anisa Schumacher, Purchasing Agent

Corey Widman, Bellman

"May I have a confidential meeting with you?" asked Anisa, one of the purchasing agents. "Sure" answered Paul Bello; and he invited Anisa into his small office next to the loading dock. "Please don't say anything to anyone Anisa Said.

"No worries" smiled Paul. "This will be between you and me, you have my word on this" This is about Corey, the Bellman" continued Anisa. "He is harassing me, but id don't want anyone to know about the situation. I'm in a family crisis situation" Anisa added and started to cry hysterically. Paul's hand got sweaty and he really did not know what to say now that Anisa had confined in him.

1. Is Paul obligated honor this kind of employees request? Explain.

2. What should Paul done differently?

3. Assume that you are Paul and an employee from the food and Beverage? division is requesting a confidential meeting with you. What would be your response in that case?

Reference no: EM133369296

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