Reference no: EM131062070
Assessment: Research Proposal
Develop a logical and congruent research proposal to answer this question. Question for the assessment is - Is patient controlled analgesia effective than nurse administered analgesia in reducing pain in post-operative patients undergoing elective hip replacement?
Present the proposal and the justification discussion under the following headings:
1. Introduction / Background
2. Problem statement &Research question / Hypotheses
3. Research design
4. Participants i.e. recruitment, sampling etc.
5. Data collection
6. Data analysis
7. Rigour OR Reliability / Validity
8. Ethical issues - also discuss in-text and attach the UOW formatted participant information sheet and consent form as an appendix
9. Limitations
10. Conclusion
Consider carefully the research approach based on the framing of the question (i.e. congruence between question, philosophy, research design and the elements of the proposal). You must show evidence of understanding the research process, research methodology and design considerations.
Essay writing principles apply. Headings should be used. Please use critical discussion, not bullet points or lists.
Support all statements by referring to appropriate contemporary research based literature. You must use a broad range of literature to support all elements of the research proposal providing a critique of the literature to support assertions. It is strongly suggested that multiple research texts or papers about research methods are used to underpin your work.
The first page of the assessment should be the coversheet that incudes your student details and a word count for the assignment and title.
The intervention of interest and the comparator group are clear. The population to be studied (post-operative patients) is very broad and needs to be further refined. Which particular group of post-op patients would you like to study? Also, the concept of whether it is 'more effective' needs to be further refined to be a useful outcome measure. For example, it could be 'patient reported pain levels on a visual analogue scale' or similar.
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: Develop a logical and congruent research proposal to answer this question. Question for the assessment is - Is patient controlled analgesia effective than nurse administered analgesia in reducing pain in post-operative patients undergoing elective..
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