Is michael response legal advice or simply information

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Reference no: EM133556835

Question: Watch the video below titled "Helping the Client Without Practicing Law." After watching the video, draft a memo using the same format you were provided in week one and answer the following questions. Cite to the Delaware Lawyers' Rules of Professional Conduct and/or Delaware State Bar Asso'n v. Alexander as needed.

  1. Paralegal Michael is trying to be sympathetic listening to Sarah, who is concerned about her children. She asks the point-blank question: "What can I do?" Is Michael's response legal advice or simply information? Why or Why not? If it is legal advice, does he fix his error by referring to the lawyer for advice? Is there something else he could have said, just in case his earlier statement could have been interpreted as legal advising
  2. In the next part of the video, Michael asks the client for information. Is this UPL? How about when he asks her for documents and copies of e-mails? Is asking the client for these things (or any evidence) UPL? Sarah asks the next point-blank question: "What will the lawyer tell me?" What do you think of Michael's response to her? Is it UPL?


Reference no: EM133556835

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