Reference no: EM132823920
Read the situation below:
Charles had just finished his first week at Rina Enterprises and decided to drive for some fishing and relaxation. Charles had worked for the previous ten years for the Bardly Company, but Bardly had been through some hard times of late and had recently shut down several of its operating groups, including Charle's, to cut costs. Fortunately, Charles's experience and recommendations had made finding another position fairly easy. As he drove the interstate, he reflected on the past ten years and the apparent situation at Rina. At Bardly, things had been great. Charles had been part of the team from day one. Charles had been part of the team from day one. He believed he had grown greatly as a person. His work was appreciated and recognized; he had received three promotions and many more pay increases. Charles had also liked the company itself. The firm was decentralized, allowing its managers considerable autonomy and freedom. The corporate Culture was easy going. Communication was open. It seemed that everyone knew what was going on at all times, and if you didn't know about something, it was easy to find out. Charles and three other managers got along well both personally and professionally and truly worked together as a team. Their boss had been very supportive, giving them the help they needed but also staying out of the way and letting them work. When word about the shutdown came down, Charles was devastated. He was sure that nothing could replace Bardly. He spent only a few weeks looking around before he found a comparable position at Rina Enterprises. As Charles drove, he reflected that Rina and Bardly were about as different as you could get. Top managers at Rina apparently didn't worry too much about who did a good job and who didn't. They seemed to promote and reward people based on how long they had been there and how well they played the never-ending political games. But Rina was a bigger organization than Bardly and was structured much more bureaucratically. It seemed that no one was allowed to make any sort of decision without getting three signatures from higher up. Those signatures, though, were hard to get. All the top managers usually were too busy to see anyone. Charles also had had some problems fitting in. His peers treated him with polite indifference. He sensed that a couple of them resented that he, an outsider, had been brought right in at their level after they had had to work themselves up the ladder., he wondered if perhaps he had made a mistake in accepting the Rina offer without finding out more about what he was getting into.
1. Identify THREE (3) concepts and THREE (3) characteristics from the field of organizational behaviour(OB) in the above hypothetical situation. Explain them clearly?
2. Referring to the above situation discuss clearly the value to OB as a Systematic Study?
3a. What are you best advice to Charles?
3b. How would this advice be supported by behavioural concepts and processes?
4. Is it possible to find an ideal place to work? Why?
5. Discuss briefly the Biographical Characteristics in the situation and how they are relevant to the study of OB?
6. Provide good examples of the THREE (3) components of an attitude specifically related to the above situation?