Is it necessarily from the same protein

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM13160816

If a band (from electrophoresis) is present at the same place (same migration distance) in samples from different species, is it necessarily from the same protein? yes/no? Why?

Reference no: EM13160816

Questions Cloud

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Explain the solubility of n2 in blood : The solubility of N2 in blood can be a serious problem (the "bends") for divers breathing compressed air (78% N2 by volume) at depths greater than 50 ft. Find the volume (in mL) of N2, measured at 25degrees celsius and 1.00 atm, released per liter..
Is it necessarily from the same protein : If a band (from electrophoresis) is present at the same place (same migration distance) in samples from different species, is it necessarily from the same protein? yes/no? Why?
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Explain ammonia gas reacts with hydrogen chloride : Ammonia gas reacts with hydrogen chloride according to the reaction given below, which must also be balanced. if 7.00g of NH3 is reacted with 12.0g of HCl in a 1.00L container at 25C


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