Is it ethical to do business with those supplier

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Reference no: EM131950000 , Length: 2 pages

Answer the following questions, drawing upon the assigned readings and resources and using specific examples from those readings and resources to illustrate and explain your thoughts. In answering these questions, please follow this format:

--write out the question and then provide your response.

--when you reference (name) a theory, cite your source using the APA in-text citation style.

--you must cite sources and provide bibliographic references at the end of the assignment. For an example of how to format this correctly, go to the Course Information module, click on Course Readings and Materials and see the correct format for the textbook. The Shaw & Barry (2013) text is your primary resource in this course.

Assigned questions:

The original assignment in this module dealt primarily with employers trying to find wrongdoing/problems/status of and by employees . We now turn to the question of employee rights and employer obligations. Using at least two (2) of the foundational ethical theories studied in Module 2 FOR EACH QUESTION , you should answer the following questions. With each answer, you should discuss the issues and set forth and defend a clear position.

--Federal law requires that employers pay a minimum wage and pay overtime, although some believe that the concept of a living wage is the more ethical standard. Explain and defend your position on whether you agree or disagree.

--Is it ethically permissible for an employer to do business with a supplier who acts legally but perhaps "unethically"? For example, many foreign countries do not have the health and safety regulations we consider standard for employees. Is it ethical to do business with those supplier? Remember to use at least two theories to discuss.

--Is it ethical for an employer to require as a condition of employment or use as a consideration for advancement promotion, that an employee participate in organizations apart from the business (ie. community non-profit organizations)? Does the type or nature of the organization make a difference?

--Finally, some opine that employee pay should be tied in part to the compensation of the owner/chief operating or executive officer of the business, with the lowest paid employee being paid no less than a certain percentage of the highest paid employee. Is this an ethical way of determining compensation?

Reference no: EM131950000

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